John and Elsie Henderson Onslow, NC Roadblock

+1 vote
I have been at a road block in my family tree for quite some time now.

I am looking for anyone who might have some information on John and Elsie Henderson from around 1840-1850 in Onslow North Carolina.

Here is what I know for sure

1860 - John and Elsie Henderson appear in the Charlton County, Ga census w/ a child Robert H Henderson.

1870  and 1880 John and Elsie Henderson appear in the Nassau County,Fl Census with Robert H Henderson and 4 other Henderson children, John Henderson, Jr (My great great grandfather) being one of them.

In the death record for John Henderson jr, his wife Julie lists his father as John Henderson and Mother as Alsy Simmons. I can make the conclusion that Elsie and Alsy are the same person just spelled wrong.

In the death record for Robert H Henderson his father is listed as John Henderson and his mother as Elsie Henderson.

In both records they list their father and mothers birthplace as Onslow, NC.

I cannot find a record of John and Elsie Henderson in Onslow, NC. I can find where a Josiah Henderson Married a Alce Simmons in Onslow, but the dates are not quite right.

If anyone as any info on these I would greatly appreciate it!
in Genealogy Help by Adam Henderson G2G Rookie (160 points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
that marriage in 1830 ,is a Marriage Bond,declaring there intention too

marry.There is another Bond dated Dec 19 1817, John Henderson and

Eliza Plumbe..Josia Henderson Nov 4 1790,and Alcy.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
In the 1880 census John lists his age as 57. Wouldn’t 1830 be a little Young for a decleration of marriage?

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