glitchy page?

+2 votes
Help! my brickwall page is broke! I am logged in, and can do everything normally and have logout as the option on the pulldown. However, when I go to the brickwall page it gives me a error not logged in. When I click the test log in before it swaps to all 0's, it shows up not logged in and asks me to login. I do, then proceed back to the brick wall page... where Im magically unlogged in again. It started last night and hasn't resolved yet. Again, everything else about being logged in is working- living people profiles and such.
I just started revisiting brickwalls since Im new to wikitree in the hopes of demo-ing a few with new records. This page is so helpful at identifying closer related brickwalls so I can spend time researching instead of chasing them all down. Help me get it back!
in WikiTree Tech by Allison Schaub G2G6 Mach 1 (17.2k points)
still having an issue with it

1 Answer

+2 votes
Hmmm I'll take a look later this evening.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (671k points)

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