Lynda, I think that there are many folk who expect "instant genealogy", If it's online, it MUST be correct, and if it's not online it is dismissed. Of course, these errors are copied, and recopied, around the globe. Before you know, folk are arguing that "It must be true, because everybody says so."
Simple truth is that there is no "Lazy man's way", it you want the truth , you have to work for it. My data files, in excess of 40,000 profiles, ( NOT on WIKI ), are the result of work started by my father in 1925, and continued by myself after his demise, and I feel that I have barely scratched the surface yet.
Original Parish Registers are by far the best source, written up by the clergy, contemporaries of the data subject, and having first hand personal knowledge of the individual. Not some book written decades, or hundreds, of years after the event, based upon the assumptions of an "expert".