Why is there not, next to the "add spouse" link a "no spouse" link?

+9 votes
Honestly, if I have to point out the millions of extra mouse clicks and scrolling the servers have processed and guesstimate the wasted energy and time as a painfully obvious tweak, and the response is an appeal or an excuse, that's not helpful.

Another gripe: why is there not a so and so has no middle name radio button or toggle or link?

Why is it necessary to go back over a profile to mark the status of location of birth or death or marriage, but the status of dates can be done when creating the profile?

I just had to vent that. Sorry if it crimps anyone's day... :)

in WikiTree Tech by Bruce Codère G2G6 Mach 1 (19.4k points)
recategorized by Jillaine Smith
I moved this to the Tech area and added the improvements tag so that maybe it will get added to the to-do list.
Thanks Jillaine. There's always hope. Otherwise, there is prayer. :)
A "no spouse" or "no more spouses" check box is like on the top of my wish list.

I can't answer why WikiTree doesn't have the things you mentioned, but I have added everything to the improvements to-do list :)

1 Answer

+3 votes

why is there not a so and so has no middle name radio button or toggle or link?

There is, on the edit page. Not on the "Add" page. It's there, it's just an extra click or two, unless you meant to group this in with your other interface gripes.

by Nathan Kennedy G2G6 Mach 4 (45.2k points)
You see, I already know how to navigate both pages, and it's the fact that an information that belongs in the 'add' page is in the 'edit' page that I'm pointing out. This is not yet a streamlined operation.
It's more than a click or two.  On the Add page, you have to move beyond the spouse, middle name, and dates to other things first, then save it all, and then try to remember to go back and open the page back up for editing to take care of the spouse and middle name and dates.  You always have to go back for the date certainties, and surprisingly often to mark no spouse and/or no middle name (plus marking the parents 'confident').
Got that right. I've had to cycle through way too many profiles to complete them correctly when there was no spouse, or no further siblings to not say something. Oy ve sums it up... The goal should be to have the maximum number of options on the add page and the edit page there for alterations from new information.

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