Trying to find sources for this ancestor, Hans Aebi-35

+4 votes
Hans Aebi supposedly was born May 28, 1671 in Switzerland; married Anna Roll in 1698 and had a daughter in 1650!  Amazing feat, but seems it happened all the time way back then!  Or, we just do not have the sources to find the answers needed.  

May I get some guidance regarding where to find sources for folks such as my ancestor Hans Aebi and his immediate family.  I usually do not get any response when I post such posts, so I hope that is not the case with this one.
WikiTree profile: Hans Aebi
in Genealogy Help by Cindy Lesure G2G6 Pilot (129k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Looking at the FamilySearch catalog, when looking up Längenbühl, the church records for Amsoldingen, 1640-1876, come up. These two villages are relatively close. These records are apparently on a cd, unfortunately it seems to only be available in Salt Lake.
by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
Thank you for your input!
Hopefully this will help.

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