Help needed in translating German death records

+3 votes

Would someone please help translate these two German death records from 1818 and 1859?  I am very interested to know if parents' names and birthdates are included in the records. Thank you very much!


WikiTree profile: Franziska Brügel
in Genealogy Help by Jana Shea G2G6 Mach 3 (38.4k points)
edited by Jana Shea

1 Answer

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The first is for a Margarethe Schänfter, wife of the deceased Daniel Utzinger, who died at the age of 70.

The second is for Franziska Brügel, wife of Peter Kettnering, 66 years old and still living, who died at the age of 60. Her parents had been Michael Brügel and Elisabetha Hahn from Zeselberg.
by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (621k points)
selected by Jana Shea

Thank you very much, Helmut!  

Is there any chance that Margaret's surname is Schäffer instead of Schänfter (in the first death record)?

The second death record matches what I found for Franziska elsewhere in my research, except for one source (familienbuch) which gave a specific birth date of 5 Jan 1799 and the mother's maiden name as Schag.  

I did locate for Franziska's a civil marriage register which I believe also gives 5 January 1799 as her birth date, but mother's maiden name matches the death record (Hahn).  

It's possible for the name being Schäffer in which case the writer doubled up spelling it Schäeffer. That would be highly unusual as it normally is either -ä- or -ae-. Maybe the writer started to write Schäffer and then realized that the family spelled the name Schaeffer? While -ä- and -ae- are interchangeable in typeface that would not apply to handwriting.

Looking at the marriage record it appears that 5 Jan 1799 (16 nivôse an 7) is right and to my surprise so is her age of 60 in 1859. (I'm more inclined to take round numbers like 60 as estimates that may be off by a few years.) Based on that document, though, the spelling of her husband's name should be Kettenring.

Thank you, again, Helmut!

Schäfer is the surname found on death records for some of Margaretha's children.  But as I have not yet located her marriage record, I am still unsure what is her correct LNAB.

You are right about Kettenring - that is the correct spelling.  I have occasionally seen it as Kettering and in much earlier times it was spelled Kettenrinck.

I have found a birth record for Francisca Margaretha Brügel born 20 Jul 1787 in Zeselberg to Michael Brügel and Elisabetha Hahn - I do not know if this is the same person as who died in 1859 or if this was an older sister.  I am thinking she may be a sister who died young. The Wallhalben parish where most of their children were baptized seems to not have records for the period 1799-1816 (a son, Valentin, was born in 1802 and I have also not found his birth record).
Helmut am I correct in reading that Franziska's parents are deceased at time of her marriage? Or is it just her father (September 1814)?  Thank you again!
Michel Brügel died 10 Sep 1814, Elisabetha Hahn is still alive.

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