Using FindaGrave a source for different profile triggers error suggestion

+13 votes
Sometimes there is information about another family member in a FindAGrave so I like to cite it.  So I end up with two FindAGrave links.  I put the FindAGrave link to the person in the profile and the FindaGrave I am citing in the footnotes citation.  It always triggers a "FindAGrave - Multiple profiles link to same grave ID" error report in my suggestions.

Does anyone else run into this and is there a work around for it?
in Policy and Style by Joelle Colville-Hanson G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
edited by Maggie N.
You could use the findagrave template for the other person's findagrave link and use the sameas=no qualifier.

Thanks. Will try that
Thank you Natalie! That is very good to know.
You're quite welcome!
That is a good thing to know.  I have found a couple cases where a mothers grave will show the name of an infant that dies on her tombstone but only a FAG for the mother.  Usually it is where both died in childbirth.

I have things like that on the info tab of the spreadsheet.

Info Tab

Are you using no as a word or an abreviation for number and then include
a number from somewhere?
the word no. The version you use that matches the profile uses the word yes.
Thank you too, Natalie, I have often found this error and it would be nice to prevent it in advance.

I know there is a template, but I do not use the template anymore for this very reason. I just copy and paste the source citation at the end of the memorial page and add the link to the actual memorial page to the citation where it gives the memorial number.

An example would be as follows:

* <i>Find A Grave</i>, database and images ( : accessed 30 May 2018), memorial page for Stephen Howell (1763–17 Aug 1838), [ Find A Grave Memorial no. 48,780,273], citing Howell Cemetery, Shelbyville, Shelby County, Kentucky, USA ; Maintained by Lynn Fischer (contributor 47245698) .

2 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer

Repeating comment as an answer.

You could use the findagrave template for the other person's findagrave link and use the sameas=no qualifier.


commented 2 hours ago by Natalie Trott G2G6 Pilot

by Graeme Olney G2G6 Pilot (154k points)
I considered doing that but didn't want to swipe her G2G points. Oh well.

Here is the style guide link, in case anyone wants to learn more about using the FindAGrave external link template:


The usage citation however does or at least did produce an error because of with no memorial number right after it.

sameas=no means don't try to match this reference.

sameas=yes means match ONLY this reference.

Anything else will try to match EACH reference and you will get errors for those that don't match.

This is why sameas=yes is best to avoid any errors (like in the citation)
Steven, error is only if no match is found.
Thank you Steven for the further clarification on sameas.
+8 votes
Perhaps you could just not link to the Find A Grave source.  Put something to the effect See father's profile for link.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (888k points)
If I did that I’d have to say “See FindaGrave link on so and so’s profile”. I thought the idea was to make sources easy to find.
If Natalie had answered I would select it as best since it is the proper way to do it. Also if you have the link to the FAG for THAT profile instead of a mention in another you can do sameas=yes. But that is only if the profile and FAG source match.

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