Why am i the Only Teters, interested In our Family History?

+3 votes
in The Tree House by Thomas Teters G2G6 (8.3k points)

Plenty of Teeter family (my mother's side) interested in family history. At least there's a critical mass. Dave Rutherford was even featured last week! Thanks for doing the Y DNA test; we can definitively say that your Teters is a different line from our Teeter.

You'll have to settle with being a pioneer until you meet up with another family historian in another Teters branch. They may well be out there.

I have discovered that Teter was a very common name in Germany (comes from the name Dieter). I have Teter ancestors too, and many of them if you would like to talk further.
I know Kennedy, been patience, but am 67 and diagnoised with MM cancer (Genetic).... arghhhhh.....
I’m not sure which Kennedy you are referring to?
Nathan 1 comment above on this page.
& Patty, I know that the 4 older children of Henry Teter changed their names (same yDNA), to Teters (our-west), Teeter North), Tetter (South) Tetters(south, then west). I did find one in Michigan, but he won't write back. Found a genetic, 5 generation away, cousin in Poland, haven't tried.
The Nathan Kennedy, above in the Reply List.....

4 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
And yet there seem to be a lot of Teters' profiles. Someone appears to be interested in the family.
by Dorothy Coakley G2G6 Pilot (190k points)
selected by Thomas Teters
I dropped like 1100 of them about 3 years ago, you are like the 5th comment and the 2nd question I've got about them. Go to my page and I have a Digital Family Tree I made from Geni.. Pictures back about 3 generations and the Tree itself  with connections back about 7 generations. Gives a quick understanding of the links. Just cuz ~~ Thomas James Teters June 23, 1952 - sometime.
+7 votes
Don't know.  You'd have to ask your family.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.2m points)
+5 votes

Here are the Teters profiles on Wikitree. You might find some you recognise if you take a look at them.

by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (691k points)
+6 votes
My condolences Thomas..... it does appear you're carrying the water for most of the Teters' profiles on WikiTree.  

I noticed one orphan Teters profile   (Teters-96) ..... a Korean War  U.S. Navy Pilot who later flew for Pan Am.    Have a heart and adopt this incredible man..... maybe one of his descendants will discover WikiTree someday and join you.
by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (489k points)
Hi Peggy, I took your advice and 'adopted' John Teters, even added his wife from the Source on his page. Thanks for the suggestion. Just cuz !! TomT 1952

Great Job Thomas!laugh

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