Anyone researching SHELTON from Limehouse/Poplar/Bow areas of East London or can help me - I am stuck - thank you.

+2 votes
in The Tree House by Keith Shelton G2G Rookie (210 points)
Would they be related to the line of Sheltons associated with the Sheltons of Shelton, Norfolk, England?  I descend from this line which includes Thomas and Hannah (Wood) Shelton. This pair seems to have made the trek from England around the London area in the early to mid 1600s to the American colonies. Their son Stephen was born around 1632, not sure which side of the pond but being that both Stephen and Hannah passed in the 1680's in the area of Maryland in the colonies I am assuming he would have been born in the US or brought over very young.  Please advise if this sounds like the lineage you are missing.




Hi Jennifer

I have been to Shelton in Norfolk the seat of the Sheltons that you refer to and that line died out - so I am surprised to hear that you are descended from them - as a consequence I do not think I am descended from them- but asI cannot get any further back than 1847in my Shelton line-to be honest- I don't have a clue where they originate from

Kind regards

What I have found on that line is that Stephen Shelton married Hanna Wood, they had several children, including a son named Stephen, around 1660 while living around what is current day Lancaster Virginia. This Stephen married a lady named Elizabeth whose maiden last name is currently not known, they had several children including Thomas C Shelton around 1695. In turn Thomas married Margaret Fulk, several children including my ancestor Stephen James Shelton.

Stephen James married Jemima Jane Wilmot, several children including Stephen W. Shelton around 1760.  Stephen W married Rhoda Green. They moved to what later became Giles County Tennessee (Established 1809) sometime after their son Eliphas was born as I know he was born in Virginia. The family may have had some form of land grant as these were used to help expand the new country westard.  Stephen and Rhoda had several children including Eliphas Shelton in 1785.  

Eliphas married Susannah Elizabeth "Betsey" Luttrell they had at least 9 children incluting William Greenberry "G B" Shelton.  William Greenberry married Alpha Cottrell they had 4 children together before she passed in 1865, he went  on to remarry 2 more times each following the death of the previous wife. My ancestor comes from the first marriage. His son Elisha McMillan "Mack" Shelton.

Elisha married Rebecca McConnell who had either 3 or 4 children with him including my great grandfather Felix Edward Shelton. Rebecca died very young at only 33. He married 3 times each following the death of a previous wife.

Felix married Willa Pearl Hayes, they had 3 children including my Grandmother Martha Ruth (Shelton) Jones. My grandmother just passed last September. A lot of what I have I got from her while she was still living with confirmation on census records and conferring with her children (my uncles).  Does this sound somewhat like the line that is thought to have died off?  Could the line have immigrated to the US colonies instead of dying off?  Any information prior to 1600 I am unsure of at this point as I don't have a lot of records found prior to this.


Wikipaedia says

"Captain James Shelton sailed in 1610 to America with Thomas West, Lord De La Warr, his uncle & brother of his mother, Jane West, Baroness Shelton, thus establishing the Sheltons in Virginia. John Smith in his "General Historie of Virginia" (Volume 2, p. 549) writes that James Shelton was a resident of Jamestown, Virginia in 1620 and that he was a member of the court from 1619-1624. Smith writes that the Sheltons owned property in Virginia and did a large business with Bermuda. As soon as trade opened between Bermuda and Virginia, James Shelton moved from Virginia to Bermuda where he had large grants of land, and died there in 1668."

I'm intrigued because usually its fairly easy to track back in London census etc etc. In have a few possible leads for you. The first a marriage that would fit the timeframe:

Name: James Shelton
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birth Date: 1804
Marriage Date: 22 Apr 1825
Marriage Place: Middlesex, England
Spouse: Catherine Ydell
FHL Film Number: 413273


Then a death in 1828... Could be in childbirth? Again speculation but it fits when so few other options do!

Name: Catherine Shelton
Age: 28
Record Type: Burial
Birth Date: abt 1800
Death Date: abt 1828
Burial Date: 31 Aug 1828
Burial Place: St Leonard, Shoreditch, Hackney, England
Register Type: Parish Register
This could then put James Shelton who was born Birmingham in 1804 from census records in the picture. Im sure youve seen him in the census living with the same neice Celina everytime. As he is Widowed before 1841, this could be the right wife and marriage for him. question is where on earth 13 year old Mark James was in the census, if he is rthe right James and what the surname Ydell could have actually have been as I can't see any other records so assume its a typo.
Name: James Shelton
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 24 Apr 1825
Marriage Place: Saint Leonards,Shoreditch,London,England
Spouse: Catherine Udell
Thank you so much Lizzie  - I have seen this marriage but I have not been able to detect any further evidence that this James is the father of mark.

The fact that Catherine died in 1828 is interesting and as you say she could have died in childbirth makes it even more intriguing.  I just wish her death was registered in Limehouse where mark gives his birthplace in each census.

You have given me a great lead - thank you so much

There is a Celia who is a witness at the marriage of James and Catherine
It looks like James and Catherine has a daughter Jane born 1827 which is very close (perhaps too close) to mark (born 1828)

I'm not sure this gets you any nearer to linking Mark to James and Catherine, but I can prove the James in 1841 living with niece Celia Aston and in 1851 living with Celina Austin is the James that married Catherine Udell. In 1861 Celia is back living with her mother in Staffordshire, her mother is also named Celia. Her mother was also a Udell, she married George Adams Aston in 1816 and Celia was born 1817 in Middlesex so they must have moved to London.

I really hope you can link Mark to them as it would be a huge breakthrough!

Name: George Adams Aston
Spouse's Name: Celia Udell
Event Date: 25 Mar 1816
Event Place: Saint Marys,Handsworth,Stafford,England
Oh Lizzie - you are a star!!!!! Thank you so much

I have added them to my tree as possibilities and will research further

You have given me a great lead

One concern is that on mark's wedding certificate his father James is given as a labourer

In the census the James who is married to Catherine is given as a Butcher
Also names such as Catherine, Jane and Celia are cropping up in the family of James and Catherine Shelton - but none of these names appear in my Shelton line

2 Answers

+5 votes
Hi Keith, what are you stuck on?

by Lizzie Griffiths G2G6 Pilot (134k points)
Hi Lizzie

Thank you so much for replying to my message.  I have traced my father's SHELTON line back to 1828 (the birth of my GGGrandfather, Mark James Shelton) with no sign of the family in the 1841 census. I found this out some 30 years ago and have not managed to find out any more since.

Similarly I cannot get back further than my GGGrandparents on my mother's side either - but that is another story!!!

Best wishes, Keith

Is this him in 1851? If so do you know Ann's maiden name?

Name: Mark Shelton
Age: 23
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1828
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Ann Shelton
Gender: Male
Where born: Limehouse, Middlesex, England
Civil Parish: Limehouse
County/Island: Middlesex
Country: England

Street address:


Condition as to marriage:



View image

Registration district: Stepney
Sub-registration district: Limehouse
ED, institution, or vessel: 08
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 40
Piece: 1554
Folio: 221
Page Number: 8
Household Members:
Name Age
Mark Shelton 23
Ann Shelton 21
Sarah Ann Shelton

8 Mo
+5 votes
Mark James SHELTON, full age, Bachelor, Labourer, of Bow, son of James SHELTON, Labourer & Ann HUGHES, full age, Spinster, of Bow, daughter of Charles HUGHES, Labourer were married 15th August 1847 in the Parish Church of St. Mary Stratford, Bow, Middlesex by G. T. DRIFFIELD, Rector. Mark made his mark; Ann signed. Witnesses were John DUNCUM & Sarah HUGHES.

Image available on Ancestry.
by Vivian Egan G2G6 Pilot (111k points)
Thank you for the information Vivian.  I already have this information - in fact it is the earliest information I have about my Shelton line - I cannot find him in the 1841 census, I cannot find his birth or baptism and I cannot identify his father (James).  So it is information about my line prior to 1847 that I am stuck on  (The only information I have to go on is that Mark was born in 1828 in Limehouse and his father is named James.

Best wishes, Keith
Unable to find anything further on your Mark on either Ancestry or Find My Past. Only thing that came up was in the 1851 Census entry for Mark, there was a Mary SHELTON age 14, born Limehouse living as a servant in the same house, different household with Ann HUMMERSTON & Emma WHITBORN. Searched for them on 1841 Census & couldn't find them either. Couldn't track Mary after the 1851 Census either.

Good luck with your search.
Bless you Vivian for your help  I have tried to trace her but like you to no avail pinning her down as THE Shelton

So grateful for your efforts  Thank you


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