seem to be missing place name suggestions

+10 votes
I have just noticed that the drop down suggestions for place names for adding births has disappeared

Is there a way of retrieving this please and this is on all of my profiles
WikiTree profile: William Hannis
in WikiTree Help by Steph Meredith G2G6 Mach 9 (90.5k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Even when it works it is sometimes wrong especially before 1850. I suggest looking up any place name on Wikipedia. Cities change their names often. Then check the county, there is almost always a link in a Wikipedia article. County borders and names change over time typically in relation to population growth. Not to mention state, province, and country borders change over time. You also have independent cities and loads of special cases. Trust but verify.
I noticed the same thing yesterday while adding sources to some existing profiles.  Usually typing New York, Un    gets finished with United States in the drop down suggestions
but I had to type out the entire place as New York, United States.
I always turn off the suggestions because they're all too often incorrect, certainly for Québec. If I know the location, I'll either write it in or paste it, and the suggestion is therefor obsolete. If I don't know the location, no suggestion is useful...

6 Answers

+7 votes
I've noticed the same thing, but it seems to be intermittent. Sometimes there, sometimes not. Is there a glitch?
by Shirley Dalton G2G6 Pilot (543k points)
could very well be Shirley as the one for the death is still there

I have added data doctors to original post so hopefully they might be able to help
Have also noticed the intermittent availability, and of course, when I need it for a clue on time period for the place name it is MIA, then reappears when I already know the correct name and spelling.
True enough, but now it's not coming up at all for me.
Ugh, consistent for two days now. Death by papercuts as far as time use goes.
+4 votes
I noticed this as well but since I used the suggestions only rarely I just never let it bother me.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
+4 votes

In my experience, the place name suggestions never appear during creation of a new profile. However, if you complete the new profile and save it, when you return to the Edit page and click on the place (of birth or death), as soon as you begin to edit, the drop-down suggestions appear.

Put more simply, the suggestions will help you to edit a place name, but won't help you create one.

by Peter Knowles G2G6 Mach 7 (71.4k points)
It's failing during Edit now too. :(
+7 votes
Indeed.  It's been quite annoying.
by J. Crook G2G6 Pilot (236k points)
It was annoying but for now it seems to be working :)
It's still not working for me. :(
+3 votes
Hi Tech Team - Yes there is still a problem with no Location suggestions (not related to browser/base system etc)  - Is there a solution being worked on ? - can we have some feed back
by Graeme Olney G2G6 Pilot (154k points)
It should be fixed now -- give it a try and let me know if it works for you.
Yep all going again - Thank you
+5 votes
The place suggestions should be working again. Let me know if you are still having issues.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (673k points)

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