How Unlisted is described in the Help Index is not consistent with how it behaves at present and I believe that the behavior has changed in the last few weeks as I definitely tested this a while back and I was convinced that Unlisted was behaving as expected then, i.e. that "Unlisted profiles are entirely hidden from everyone except those on the Trusted List."
Before the change last week, Unlisted was NOT only used for children under the age of 13 and I was aware of no prohibition on using it in other cases requiring privacy and Wikitree did NOT enforce that profiles not be Unlisted if the person was over 13 years old (nor does it now, obviously).
I know of situations where Unlisted has been used when adoptees are involved where the people collaborating were depending on the stated behavior, i.e. that "Unlisted profiles are entirely hidden from everyone except those on the Trusted List." It does not seem to be at all acceptable for Wikitree to have their highest level of privacy not behave as it is stated to behave, especially if it has recently changed, as I believe is the case, thus disclosing sensitive personal information that was not intended to be made publc through Wikitree. I am not aware that there were any prohibitions in the past, or now, about using the Unlisted privacy option for important privacy purposes such as dealing with adoptees reconnecting with birth families and appropriately controlling such information as a subset of such families collaborates, and it seems reasonable to expect Unlisted to function in the manner that it is claimed to function in the Wikitree Help Index.
For someone joining Wikitree today and studying the Help Index, they would would be misled into thinking they could attach their children as Unlisted with confidence that even the disclosure of the existence of these children to the world would not occur, and yet they would later find out that such is not the case. And some times, such unintended disclosures will have significant consequences for the people involved.
If as you say, Unlisted is not the same as it was before, why has the documentation not changed, and people not been notified, and why has it been assumed that it would be fine to make Unlisted well... less Unlisted? If, on the other hand, it is true that nothing has changed functionally, well then perhaps my testing in the past was not accurate, but I doubt that, as I did the same test today, after the shock of being contacted by somone who had seen some info about an Unlisted profile that I manage, and I was very surprised to see that Unlisted information was visible to the public, whereas in the past I was convinced it was completely invisible as expected.
Regardless, the current description of Unlisted in the Help Index is not consistent with the privacy protection behavior now occuring. Unlisted should be Unlisted!