Ancestor summary report

+6 votes
So in Wikitree+ we cant see our own ancestor summary anymore?
in The Tree House by Stephanie Stults G2G6 Mach 4 (44.5k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer is the link to wikitree+ It WILL immediately error, just hit ok.

Chose reports/ ancestors and put your wiki-ID in there. Then hit Ancestor summary. It gathers the report by looking at you and listed parents. Then it goes to the parents and looks at their parents.

Very important is it uses the PUBLIC view. So if your parents are unlisted they will not show on yours. Then it can no longer count any higher in that branch. 

If they  are private, it can see them on yours but it can't see the parents on THEIR tree so it ends with THEM.

In order for it to work correctly, it must be a minimum of "private with public family tree". In cases where the person is still alive, they must sign in and claim their profile. You may still be a second PM on it though.

(stephanie, this is mostly for those not knowing where the report is)

by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (422k points)
edited by Steven Tibbetts
+4 votes
Go up to the dropdown menu with your Wiki-ID heading it (like mine is 'Haywood-41'.  I expect what you are looking for is the 'Family List'.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
edited by Ros Haywood
I am actually more interested in seeing my current # of Identified Ancestors and the % of Identified Ancestors
I'm not actually familiar with that report.  The only time I have seen it is in a table that you do yourself.  Where did you see it before?
Ros, yours would be here:

You have to click the Ancestors Summary button. But your parents' profiles are private so it won't show anything.
Only people with all dead ancestors can still use it thanks to GDPR.

I know what you mean. I so fought to have my grandmother changed before it was too late and failed.
Would I be able to view this report with all my ancestors if I have my parents both login with thier e-mails to their profiles?
yes if your grandparents are dead because then your tree could be re-opened. They can't however be "private". I recommend "private with public family tree".
Let me just make sure I have this correct.......

Both my parents are living and I have one living grandmother ..... so if I have all 3 of them login to their profiles themselves with their own e-mails just once...... I should be able to see my ancestor report again in full (as long as their family trees public) ?
The must make a wikitree account and verify it I believe. (pre-existing if you give them the wiki-ID) This attaches an e-mail to the account. This also will allow it to be changed from unlisted.

It doesn't have to be completely public but the program does have to be able to see the tree. thus "private with public family tree". This only shows connections and not info.
you might want to add a couple more tags like "ancestors" and "report". If you start typing, it gives tag suggestions. (editing the original question)
+7 votes
Due to GDPR, your living parents and one grandmother became Unlisted, so you are no longer able to see the report.

The only way to unprotect the living parents is to invite them to sign in to wikitree. See:

You can also start the reports from your grandparents.
by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (853k points)
Thanks :)

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