Question of the Week: Has anyone in your family received a major award?

+11 votes

Has anyone in your family received a major award, such as a Nobel Prize, Emmy/Oscar, Pulitzer, etc?

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in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
I won a leg lamp for a crossword puzzle.

I won Photo of the Week on Wikitree (twice)!!
@Betty Fox Ah, the soft glow of electric sex, gleaming in the window...
Betty, I would have upvoted your response if you'd made it an answer.
My favorite line is "my father could replace a fuse faster than a jack-rabbit on a date."

My great-great-grandmother's first cousin, General Sir Frank Walter Messervy, was made a Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India, Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire, Companion of the Order of the Bath, Distinguished Service Order & Bar (Medal), Order of the Nile; and Legion of Merit.
I would think that the Medal of Honor would be included in that list above the Nobel Prize, Emmy/Oscar, Pulitzer,
Yes my father was awarded the m.b.e. For his services during ww2. His granddaughter in the USA has the miniatures and l have the written recommendation .
I have observed that the Emmy/Oscar awatds are no more than a popularity contest in most cases. The Pulitzer Prize, I feel is based more on a body of work.

I'm not sure what Ann Tippet's m. b. e. stands for. Is it another name for The M. O. H. and I don't know anything about the miniatures. Could Ann expand on her answer. Thanks for your fathers service.
mbe, member of the British empire. One of world war 2 awards. The miniatures l mentioned are his war medals. I have the citation for the mbe award, while my neice has the actual miniatures.

46 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

George Mallory Hendee  b. 2 Oct 1866 Watertown, Connecticut, USA - Hendee had won the National Amateur High Wheel [Bicycle] Championship of the United States in 1886 and held the title until 1892.  

After retiring from professional racing in 1895, the former champion continued to be involved in the bicycle trade, and in 1897 he established his own manufacturing firm in Springfield, Massachusetts. At a race at Madison Square Garden in 1900, George Hendee first observed the use of the motorized tandem [bicycle] and was impressed with the performance and reliability of Hedstrom's machine. At their first meeting, Hendee proposed building a light road machine for everyday transportation that would free the rider from the drudgery of pedaling. This was in line with Hedstrom's own thinking and the two men became partners on the spot [ founding the Indian Motocycle Company]."U.S. National Amateur High Wheel Bicycle Racing Champion 1896 - 1892


by David Petrie G2G1 (1.3k points)
selected by David Petrie
Cool, David! and the photo is fabulous, literally.
+10 votes
No, but when I was twelve years old I won the local Optimist International speaking contest. Only trophy I have. Does this have anything to do with my first grade teacher ticking the space beside “Talks Excessively “ on my report card? (Got trounced in the next round!)
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
Love it!
+14 votes
My father, J B (Iain) Gunn

received the 1969 IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award ( ), the Valdemar Poulsen Medal of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters ( ), and the John Scott Award ( ) for his discovery of the Gunn Effect ( ).
by Janet Gunn G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
Very cool.  My dad got the John T. Chambers award. He was in the advanced Products Lab at Eimac, Varian Assoc. working on high power tubes. Didn't make it to Wikipedia though!!

Recipient of the John T. Chambers Award in 1977 for "his dedicated efforts in bringing EME technical information to amateurs worldwide through distribution of the famous Eimac EME Notes," which remain in circulation within the EME community along with his amplifier designs.
+11 votes
My grandfather got many awards and medals for his twenty plus years of service in the US Air Force. To list them all would take  a while. Many are listed on his Obit.
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (880k points)
+12 votes

My aunt was given a Life Time Achievement Award and was inducted into the Hall of Fame of a  $23.3 billion international trade association.  Because of her age and that she is still living I do not want to give her name or any other details. 

The dollars are based on 2017 published figures.  She was also the first woman President of their association.   

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (908k points)
+7 votes

No one in my immediate family, but Newberry Award winner Madeleine L'Engle is my sixth cousin once removed.

by Sharon Casteel G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
Now that’s cool!
+10 votes
Dad won the California State Bowling Championship with his men's team in 1976.
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (550k points)
Did you inherit his bowling skills?
Both my parent's bowled.  I grew up bowling and was on my college bowling team for a semester.  I had a 175 average for awhile.
+8 votes

My 4th great-uncle Mathew Brady won a gold medal at the Great Exhibition of 1851 for his daguerreotypes.

by C Handy G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
+7 votes

If you count WikiTree members, I received the  Meritorious Service Medal twice, the Army Commendation Medal  three times and the Army Achievement Medal  during my twenty years in the United States Army!!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
+9 votes
My Uncle was awarded the POW Medal (posthumously).

I am not sure if that counts.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Of course it counts!  <3
Thank you Liz!
+5 votes
My grandfather Frank McEwen was knighted by the Queen of England.

McEwen was appointed OBE in l963
by Victoria Washuk G2G Crew (350 points)
+5 votes
My grandmother, [[Hammond-5305 | Congresswoman Millicent Hammond Fenwick]] was just inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame a few weeks ago.
by Samuel Reckford G2G3 (3.8k points)
+5 votes
My second cousin was awarded the Nobel prize for Physics in 1948. Patrick Blackett, 1897-1974 second cousin 3 times removed.
by David Musgrave G2G1 (1.8k points)

Wow, David!! I am impressed.

I'm impressed too! The odd thing is that I can see the family resemblance between my father and my uncle and Patrick.
+6 votes
My father, Donald Noel Harwood received a Carnegie Hero Award for his attempt to save a coworkers life on June 15, 1966. He died during this attempt and this week is the 90th anniversary of his birth. He may be a direct descendant of Massachusetts Bay colonist, Henry Harwood, who John Winthrop wrote about in his diaries. Henry attempted to save the life of a young woman when caught in a freezing storm in a small sloop on the bay. He got it to shore, but his legs were frozen into ice from water they had taken aboard. These wounds would lead to his early death, but his sons John and Henry kept his surname living in the new world.
by MaryDon Beeson G2G4 (4.0k points)
edited by MaryDon Beeson
What a sad, brave story.
+7 votes
Yes, I won the Juno Award for Single of the Year in 1980 for my song, "I Just Fall In Love Again" that was recorded by Anne Murray.

I also won the BMI Millionaires Award for the same song for 2 million airplays
by Larry Herbstritt G2G5 (5.6k points)
Nice song! and nice achievement
+4 votes
My ancestor #10 [[Kestell-16 | Rev. J.D. Kestell]] is one of three men and two women buried at the Women's Monument in Bloemfontein, the others being [[Steyn-1409|Pres. M.T. Steyn]], [[De_Wet-863|Gen. C.R. de Wet]], [[Hobhouse-4|Emily Hobhouse]] and [[Fraser-2289|Tibby Steyn]].

The Monument was erected in 1913 to commemorate the suffering of the women and children, of whom 27 927 are known to have died there, in British concentration camps during the Anglo-Boer War.
by Dirk Laurie G2G6 Mach 4 (41.5k points)
Thank you, Dirk!
+5 votes

One of many ancestors: 

Charles Marius Fredrick Joseph Barbeau (1883 - 1969)

He was a three-time award winner of Québec's prestigious Prix David, the recipient of honorary doctorates from the Universities of Montréal and Oxford, and was named a Companion of the Order of Canada.

by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+5 votes
My father (Dr. Wayne Alan Peer,  Peer-394) , during his military service in the Vietnam War received the Bronze star and the Vietnamese Metal of Honor.

And as a Senior in High School I (Peer-385) I was selected as "The Grand Prize Winner"  of the solo competition at the Eleventh International Music Contest held at Yokohama, Japan on 5 December 1964.
by Roy Peer G2G Crew (900 points)
edited by Roy Peer
+6 votes
My son, Kevin, was inducted into the firefighter hall of fame in our state. We think that is pretty big. Proud momma here!
+6 votes
My father, Richard C. Hinshaw, was awarded a silver star with an oak leaf cluster for his part in the battle of Meuse Argonne. He also had a purple heart.

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