Looking for help translating a Polish marriage record that appears to be written in Russian

+6 votes


I'm looking for help translating the marriage record of Jozef Janicki and Franciszka Jedrejczyk from Russian to English. It's the record on the right side of the page. Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (934 x 639).

WikiTree profile: Jozef Janicki
in Genealogy Help by Martyna Moore G2G1 (1.2k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

23. Зельковице.

Состоялось въ городѣ Ловичѣ тысяча восемьсотъ восемьдесятъ пятаго года двадцать перваго Января /втораго Февраля/ въ четыре часа пополудни. Объявляемъ что въ присутствiи свидѣтелей земледѣльцевъ изъ деревни Зельковице Юзефа Вѣнцекъ сорока двухъ и Юзефа Захерскаго сорока четырехъ лѣтъ заключенъ сего числа религiозно-брачный союзъ между Юзефомъ Яницкимъ /Józefem Janickim/ холостымъ двадцати четырехъ лѣтъ, сыномъ Кацпра и Юлiанны урожденной Капуста земледѣльцевъ, родившимся въ Клевковѣ и тамже при родителяхъ жительствующимъ здѣшняго прихода, а Францишкою Ендржейчикъ /Franciszką Jędrzejczyk/ дѣвицею, двадцати четырехъ лѣтъ при родныхъ въ Зельковицахъ родившеюся и тамъ же проживающею дочерью покойныхъ Михаила и Эльзбеты урожденной Стружекъ супруговъ Ендржейчикъ, здѣшняго прихода. Браку сему предшествовали три оглашенiя въ здѣшномъ приходѣ опубликованныя а именно: шестаго/восемьнадцатаго, тринадцатаго/двадцать пятаго Января и двадцатаго Января/перваго Февраля текущаго года. Новобрачные заявили что предбрачнаго договора между собой не заключили. Религiозный обрядъ бракосочетанiя совершенъ Ксендзомъ Маркелiемъ Сикорскимъ Викарiемъ здѣшняго прихода. Актъ сей новобрачнымъ и свидѣтелямъ неграмотнымъ прочитанъ, нами только подписанъ.

Кс. Сикорскiй

23. Zielkowice
It happened in the town of Łowicz in the 1885 year on the 21st of January (2nd of February) at four o'clock in the afternoon. We make known that in the presence of witnesses, farmers from the village of Zielkowice, Józef Więcek, 42, and Józef Zacherski, 44 years, a religious marriage was contracted today between Józef Janicki, a bachelor, 24 years, son of Kacper and Julianna nee Kapusta, farmers, born in Klewków, and there with his parents residing, of the local parish, and Franciszka Jędrzejczyk, a maiden, 24 years, with her parents in Zielkowice born and there residing, daughter of the late Michał and Elżbieta nee Strużek [or: Stróżek], spouses the Jędrzejczyk, of the local parish. This marriage was preceded by three announcements in the local parish published i.e.: on the 6th/18th, 13th/25th of January and 20th of January/1st of February of the current year. The newlyweds declared that they had not concluded a premarital agreement with each other. The religious marriage ceremony was fulfilled by the Priest Marceli Sikorski, a vicar of the local parish. This act to the newlyweds and the witnesses, illiterate, was read, by us only was signed.
Priest Sikorski

by Stanisław Sroka G2G Rookie (250 points)
selected by SJ Baty

Stanisław, dziekuje za pomoc! I do have a question for you that perhaps you might be able to answer: in old Polish parish records, when an individual is stated to be a 'wloscianin gospodarz' versus just being referred to as a 'gospodarz', do they both mean to say that the person is a farmer? Thank you for your help with building up my tree, it really is very much appreciated :)

All three terms are synonyms:

gospodarz - a farmer running a farm

włościanin (formerly) - a peasant, a farmer

rolnik - a man engaged in agriculture, running a farm, especially a working peasant
+5 votes
Back to my books; I'm going to defer to Stanislaw - clearly has more experience at this than me! ;-)
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by SJ Baty
Thank you very much for your help!
I think its amateurish when compared to Stanislaw's answer ;-)
An alternative interpretation of the dates 18th, 25th and 1st is that in the gregorian calendar they are all Sundays. Is there a tradition in Poland of announcing the proposed marriage in church in case anyone objects?  (These are called banns in the UK)

Good catch Tim.
There very well might be! Something I'll to have to look into further. Thank you very much, Tim :)
SJ, you are a wealth of knowledge, thank you for your help! I too wondered if it is a mixture of Russian and another language (I was thinking Polish) but being so unfamiliar with the Russian language I just wasn't sure.

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