Houston, we have a new Astronaut... Dorothy Barry has passed 1,000,000 G2G Points!!

+51 votes

Congrats and kudos to Dorothy Barry on her amazing feat of reaching 1,000,000 G2G points!!!

She helps countless people every day, and we are very fortunate to have her here with us!

Dorothy has asked 94 questions in G2G, answered an astonishing 1,810 questions, and given out a whopping 17,673 up votes! In addition to her G2G contributions Dorothy is also a G2G Moderator, Data Doctor, Integrator, Project Coordinator, Greeter, Ranger, Tree Hugger, and works on numerous projects! Dorothy also has numerous Winner badges for the many challenges we have throughout the year!

We at the G2G Integrators Project would like to recognize her for achieving 1,000,000 G2G points and the title of Astronaut!!

"I have a vision of the world as a global village, a world without boundaries." - Christa McAuliffe

WikiTree profile: Dorothy Barry
in Appreciation by NJ Penny G2G6 Pilot (155k points)
That is an amazing contribution !!! Great work Dorothy.
Well done Dorothy, a great achievement. I cant ad much more everyone has already mentioned all your achievements, you are a legend.
Thanks Shaun, appreciate that!


Thank you so much!!!


Thanks George and Taylor too, for your comments!!

8 Answers

+26 votes

WOW!! 1,000,000 + G2G Points! 

Congratulations, Dorothy! You are a Super Astronaut. 

Thank you for your contributions to WikiTree. 

We appreciate all you do!

Congratulations we Appreciate You


by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thank you David, appreciate you as well. We keep running into each other on greeting and ranger duties along with our integrator project!! You are another person who goes beyond and volunteers for extra hours or to assist new members trying to figure out how to join us!!!! As they say in the Army "Hooah"!!
+24 votes
Wow Dorothy what and achievement but I am not surprised with all your amazing work on wikkitree, you are a superstar and has a great nolance about being a genealogist

You simply the best. Thank you NJ for honor a great member

Thank you
by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
Thank you Susan...looking at the list you will soon be making your way up here with your current 831,730 points and climbing. Always up voting questions, giving out best answers and just being here on the G2G forum every single day!! And our member photo's, you are always commenting on them, You go girl!!
+22 votes
Many congratulations Dorothy!! I know from the projects we overlap on, that you put in a huge amount of work on each and every project. To achieve this amount of points on top of everything else you certainly are a superstar.!!

Thank you for all that you do to keep Wikitree a safe and friendly place to be :)
by Wendy Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
Thank you so much Wendy. I appreciate you, all you do as well, and your comments!
+21 votes
Congrats Dorothy, you are really amazing. To me it seems there's not one day when I don't see giving an input somewhere here. Keep on the great work.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Thanks, I appreciate your comment Jelena,
+19 votes
Fantabulous Dorothy ! We all know where you spend a lot of your time.  And we are very appreciative that you do.  Great job helping others in G2G !
by David Douglass G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
Thanks David!! Seems the harder I try to stay away the more time I am on here lol!!
+17 votes

And again!

Wow!  That is stellar 

but then, 

so are YOU!

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (869k points)
+15 votes

I think NJ made a mistake. I believe she put too many zeros behind that number. Happens sometimes, you know? You hold the key down for a split second and it repeats itself.

Yeah. That's probably what happened. I mean...one million? That's like, 10^6! If you earned 25 points each and every day, it would take almost 110 years to amass one million! Dorothy signed up November 2014, so three-and-a-half years ago. If you assume a five-day, eight-hour workweek, and taking two weeks off each year for vacation...lessee...250 days per year, so 2,000 hours per year...no, that cant be right. That would be 143 points every hour!

(☉_☉)    Mind blown.

Congrats, Dorothy! And thanks for all your hard work and devotion!

by Edison Williams G2G6 Pilot (465k points)

Really love your post!!

Hey Edison, you forgot best answers earn 300 points .. and then me voting up other's posts... they all add up too. But, hey I like your math too, out of this world.. me and 5 others, who knows!!!! Thank you for the laugh!!!!
You always crack me up Edison! ;)
+13 votes
Congratulations Dorothy....That's a great milestone to reach, one of these days I might reach that level. Keep up the great work....
by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (829k points)
Yay Dorothy!!! Way to go!!! Thanks for all hard work!!!
Thank you Dean!! Just keep on answering questions, voting up answers and choosing Best Answers. You will move up the ladder faster that way; at least that was how I did it!!!
Thanks Paula J., appreciate you as well!

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