looking for any Peffercorns from the

+3 votes
am trying to contact any Peffercons from the Opelousas Louisiana  area  that may have some information or identify a person in a picture from around this time    on Beaugh family who lived in Opelousas around 1940 & 1955.

the picture is of a  4year old girl    [who just died last month at the age of 79.]]  with a young lady   --the family found this picture & would love to know if the child was their mother & the young Lady would have been the child`s mother   & so would be their Grandmother ???

WikiTree profile: Martha Leger
in The Tree House by Martha Leger G2G6 Mach 3 (30.5k points)
edited by Martha Leger

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
Martha, this would be a good place to post the picture. We'd love to see it.
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Rubén Hernández
o k but how do I go about posting it here as you said .   martha
Hmmm... without a profile to attach it to, I’m not sure. You could post it to your profile and then share it here. Later you could delete it off your profile. How’s that sound?
I still do not know how to post a picture ? whar are step by step  instructions please   [[  I had the photo in my e-mails & now I cannot find it . may have to ask for another be sent to me . - then how do I do it ??


Thank you, Rubén. (My ggg-Grandpa had the same name, so you gotta be a pretty good guy!)

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