Is this Catherine Beverley the daughter of Major Robert Beverley, the immigrant?

+6 votes

So here is a question I have had for a while.  From what I have gathered I belive it is a correct match, however I wanted to get other researchers opinions.  

Is Catherine Beverley (1680 - 1726) the daughter of Major Robert Beverley, the immigrant?  If so I believe the profile should be merged with this Catherine Beverley who is already linked to the parents.

First check out the Family Search profile, there are various birth records connecting her to her husband John Robertson Esq. (1683 - 1749).  Though not necessarily any sources connecting her to her parents, which on Family Search are listed as Robert Beverley Sr and Katherine Armistead.  There is a source listing the Virginia marriage between Robert Beverley and Katherine Hone on 28th of March 1679.

If you read the WikiTree profile for Major Robert Beverley, the immigrant you will see it mentions that his 3rd wife was Katherine Hone, sister of Judith (Hone) Armistead and daughter of Theophilus Hone.  

It also mentions that "John Robinson, Bishop of Bristol, England, submitted testimony to the College of Heralds that his brother, Christopher Robinson, had married, as his 2nd wife, "Katherine, daur: of Theophilus Hone of Jamestown in Virginia, Relict of Major Robert Beverley.""

So what I think that means is that basically Robert Beverley was married to Katherine Hone and then after he passed she married Christopher Robinson.  Now the main person in my question here, Catherine Beverley was married to Honorable John Robertson Esq. aka Robinson, who was the son of Christopher Robinson and his first wife Agatha Bertram Obert.  So that could mean that John Robertson's step mother and mother in law were both the same person, Katherine Hone.  

My point with that is that these families are interconnected.

You can take a look at The Peerage and see the listing for these same people we have been discussing.  It clearly identifies John Robinson and that he married Catharine Beverley, daughter of Robert Beverley.  Though it does not necessarily identify this Robert Beverley enough to match him 100% to Major Robert Beverley, the immigrant.  Any thoughts on this part?

There are various references that say that Catherine Beverley was the daughter of Major Robert Beverley and his wife Catherine.  Here is her Geneanet profile and her Geni profile.  Which both give her parents as Robert Beverley and Catherine Hone.  There is a good description on Katherine Hone's Geni profile about the Armistead/Hone last name discrepancy.  Basically that she really was a Hone but at one point was misidentified as maiden name Armistead because that was her sisters married name.

There is a page for Christopher Robinson at Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties website that has some various deed text.  The same sites page for Catherine Beverley also list her parents as Robert Beverley and lists as a source "Genealogies of Virginia Families Vol. I, page 82."

Lastly reviewing the WikiTree pages of the involved people, the page for Katherine Hone lists Catherine Beverley as a daughter who is listed without sources.  However on the Robert Beverly WikiTree page is lists Catherine Beverley born circa 1685 and married to John Robinson, son of Christopher Robinson. Also on the WikiTree page for John Robertson aka Robinson it states that his wife Catherine Beaverly, born 1686 was the daughter of Major Robert Beverly, a lawyer, militia leader and former Clerk of the Virginia House of Burgesses.

On the Find A Grave site for granddaughter Catherine Beverly Robinson it lists her as "Daughter of John Robinson (1683-24 Aug 1749) of Piscataqua in Essex County, Virginia, the son of Christopher Robinson, Esq., and Agatha Obert, and Catherine Beverly (4 Jan 1680-21 Jul 1726), the daughter of Robert Beverley and Catherine Armistead."

Then for good measure is a Family Search Pedigree Resource File.

So it seems to me like there is enough secondary evidence to say that Major Robert Beverley, the immigrant, and his wife Catherine Hone were indeed the parents of Catherine Beverley born about 1685 or 1686.  

And therefore the two profiles Beverley-125 and Beverley-18 should be merged.

Thank you for your assistance.

WikiTree profile: Catherine Robinson
in Genealogy Help by Erik Granstrom G2G6 Mach 5 (53.4k points)
Nice writeup! Marriages between "siblings" by marriage rather than blood were fairly common in colonial Virginia, so I think you're probably right.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Hi! Doesn't seem to be any objection, so I'll propose the merge you suggest. Thanks for all the research!
by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (674k points)

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