incorrect profile manager

+1 vote
When adding my sister Lucille Boys to my family group I somehow made her the profile manager. Can you please tell me how to correct this and place my self back as the profile manager


David Boys
in Genealogy Help by David Boys G2G Rookie (280 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
To add to what Erin said:

If Lucille is a living person with an e-mail address who you invited to join you on WikiTree, and she accepts the invite and creates a password, she becomes the manager of her own profile and can't be removed at the manager. You can be a second manager, but she has to be a manager.

There might be some ways to back into having you be the only manager, but our intent is to make sure a person always manages their own profile. We think this is important for privacy decisions.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Keith Baker
+1 vote
Hi David, unless you removed yourself as the manager, you and Lucille are both profile managers. If you just want her on the trusted list without management privileges, you can make that change in the "Privacy" section of the profile. If you have removed yourself, you'll have to ask Lucille to re-add you as a manager for those profiles.
by Erin Breen G2G6 Pilot (359k points)

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