What a MESS ! Can anyone help ????
John Butterworth is in our direct family line (9th G grandfather of husband's mother) and I have family search info for John AND Henry with two different fathers but the same wife married at the same time. I went to Geni and Wikitree and the confusion mounts. WITH overlaps in the profiles.
One Family Search links says not to merge or confuse the two even though the information on BOTH are confusing.
John - father is Edward born 1599 married to Mary Longbotham
https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Butterworth-571 with no wife listed
Henry - father is Henry born 1598 married to Mary Longbotham no wikitree profile for that birth date.
One of the wikitree profile mentioned Ephan as a wife and I found this on a Henry of c1575
AND other Family Search site for John has more differences. I've been trying to sort this out for hours and there are no clues how to do separate them as they keep coming back with crossing information AND sources.
Does someone have a REAL and verifiable source of these men ?? It is important to our tree... and the only sources on most of these sites is Ancestry which I don't pay for.
Hopefully someone can help. Thanks much.