Going Wide, Not Long - Family Trees

+27 votes
Is there a competition/event that encourages adding siblings to the family trees? I see a lot of trees with only one person connected to the next generation and so on. (I do this as well) I think we would create more connections if we had an event focusing on adding siblings.
in The Tree House by Kaylinn Stormo G2G6 Mach 2 (22.5k points)
retagged by Kaylinn Stormo

6 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
The Connectathons include adding sideways ... like the one upcoming next weekend.
by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (338k points)
selected by Amy Sparks
+23 votes
Sounds like a good idea.   I personally love adding siblings, nephew's, nieces and other relatives to the tree.

Not long ago, I was expanding a person's tree.  I discovered that separate and unconnected profiles existed for both this person's father and brother.  They are now all connected, along with all the other siblings.

It's happened more than once, that just trying to add a sibling, lead me to an already created profile for that sibling.
by Craig Albrechtson G2G6 Pilot (109k points)
Oops! check your predictive text in the second sentence, Craig - and edit it!
+17 votes
Maybe it could be sub project to the Connections Project. There probably should be a project before an event. Perhaps we should consider a maintenance category because i think there are many profiles with siblings and children listed but no profiles created.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (980k points)
I see what you are saying but I'm worried making it a sub project it could become lost - or daunt people, thinking they have one more thing to add to their plate. With events it creates enthusiasm and awareness. Even if people do not join in the event they become aware that they should think about adding sibling when creating profiles. Something like,  _______ Month could be dedicated to adding siblings.
This does sound like a good activity for a special challenge-of-the-month.

I took your suggestion and volunteered for the connectors, and suggested it as a sub category. If you have any other ideas please let me know.

I don't think it needs a project of its own. We've been telling people for ages that working "sideways" is usually the fastest way to make connections. And personally, I continue to look for sideways connections, even though my branch is connected to the main tree through at least six different paths now, because often, a new connection brings me even closer to Queen Elizabeth, Kevin Bacon, and A.J. Jacobs, who I still think of as the core connection profiles, no matter how much they change up the actual people listed at the bottom of profiles.
+14 votes
I don't usually participate in the special events, but I'm usually aware of them, and they can spark some interest, as well as ideas.

This one can be a good idea. Often when I'm stuck in my research, then widening my search to siblings, spouses (and their families), and sometimes even neighbors, can quite often shed more light on my particular person of interest.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (595k points)
+8 votes
The need to organize info regarding family members which are listed on a profile,  but not created and attached has been addressed in another question and a new maintenance category has been created: [[Category:Needs Profiles Created]]
by Edie Kohutek G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
I often just list children, especially those born since 1900. I'd like to think more recent family members might like to add their grandparents etc. Only today someone contacted .me because of a profile like this, and with their permission I will add the next generation.
There was a thought that we needed a way to signal to WikiTreers that the profiles of family members needed to be created on certain profiles.  See this question for the discussion:

Thanks Edie for connecting that to this - I was thinking about that new category as I use it frequently
+5 votes
That sounds like a good project.
by Aubrey Wilson G2G6 Mach 1 (17.1k points)

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