Category:German Immigrants to New York

+4 votes

Is the category "Category: German Immigrants to New York" correct, according to the new Migration Categorization schema?  It is a subcategory of New York Immigration.  There are 112 profiles and it has been around for a while.  

in Policy and Style by G. Moore G2G6 Mach 3 (39.9k points)

I don't think the category name of Category:German Immigrants to New York fully fits the specifications for the new scheme, but a simple rename probably will be sufficient to fix it.

I put in a Merge request to the correct category. Hopefully, this will work.

1 Answer

+3 votes

G. Moore,

I am looking into this category now. It appears that the Rename/Merge requests were completed; however, the new category does not fit within the guidelines. Many categories that were previously set up by another user were incorrect and I am still in the process of cleaning these categories up.

Just a few notes:

  1. The landing category each profile should strive to reach is that of "Migrants from AdminEntity to AdminEntity"., which is level 5 in the Migration structure. The category in question here contains 112 profiles and is the equivalent of a level 3 category and should have very limited profiles linked to it.
  2. Due to #1 above, Renaming/Merging categories should be done very carefully. This category should have been modified by hand (each profile individually) - which will now be done since the category is now pending review.
  3. When in doubt, please use the following app to determine the proper landing category that should be linked to profiles, as well as the category hierarchy - Migration Category App
If you have any questions on the Migration structure, feel free to reach out to me or other members of the Categorization Project.
by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (791k points)
I am totally confused now.  Category:Immigrants to New York State appeared to be a correct category and now it appears to be Category: Immigrants to New York.  Which is right.  Would someone that understands this please set up the top level categories for New York.  Then, individual profiles c as n be added at lower levels.

I am very familiar with the Migration categories and have been working to setup the high level categories. Unfortunately, that work has been delayed by another user that did not understand the structure and did not clarify any questions with the Categorization Project.

The correct Category is "Immigrants to New York" and is just a level in the Migration structure that ultimately should not have any profiles linked to it, and is used to navigate the category structure.

If you would like to work on specific migration events for an individual, please use the Migration Category App that was created to help understand where the profile should be linked, and the hierarchy of the categories.

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