Why did the way of showing a category that is new change? [closed]

+4 votes
Today for the first time, instead of the as yet unformed category showing in red when you save a new town, a big red box formed at the top and asked to use another spot on the form instead of just going directly to the page where you place the town in the county and state. I couldn't get the suggested box to do anything; so I just made it save anyway and went about it in the old way. What's up?
closed with the note: Answered.
in Policy and Style by Darlene Kerr G2G6 Mach 3 (33.1k points)
closed by Darlene Kerr

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Hello Darlene.

New features just been announced. Please see here:

by Rubén Hernández G2G6 Pilot (853k points)
selected by Darlene Kerr
+6 votes
Wow, Darlene.    The exact same thing happened to me.   I was so pleased the "old way" still worked.   I didn't have time to explore the new system,  but it looks intriguing and I'll try it soon.
by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (489k points)
+4 votes

See https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/624002/did-you-see-the-new-categorization-features for an explanation for why it showed the big red box.

It works quite well for existing category's.

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (519k points)

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