Can a profile merged in error be reinstated, and how? [closed]

+4 votes
Can a profile that was merged in error be reinstated to its original form, and how does one do this?
closed with the note: Sufficient answers
in WikiTree Help by Patricia Kent G2G6 Mach 1 (15.7k points)
closed by Patricia Kent

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
You will need to recreate the merged away profile, as a merge can not be undone.  The lost profile data can be found from the changes tab, of the existing profile. On changes page, click on the ID of the lost profile, on the line that lists the merge. This will open the old profile and then click on "edited the data" on the line of the merge on old profile.
by Patricia Roche G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Patricia Kent
+4 votes
Hello Patricia.

There is no way to "unmerge" two merged profiles.

The solution is to edit the final profile to represent one of the original profiles and create a new profile for the other one.

Please see:
by Rubén Hernández G2G6 Pilot (860k points)
Isn't that what I said?  That is what I was trying to say anyway :(  My communication skills fail sometimes (often, actually)

What I was trying to explain, is how to see the data, that was on the merged away profile, so that it could be used to make the new profile that will replace the lost one.  The changes tab of the existing profile should show what data was altered to it in the merge.

the tip on how to retrieve the merged-away profile's info is great Patricia.

I wasn't aware of your answer. I saw your answer after I clicked on the "Add answer" button.

Oh, now I see - hadn't noticed the questioner is a Patricia, also.  Thought you were correcting me, because I had somehow conveyed the opposite of what I was trying to say, so kept rereading, to see how I got it wrong. :-/

Patricia is a beautiful name. It's nice to have a Patricia answering a question asked by a Patricia.

: )

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