What is the minimum amount of info needed to create a profile?

+7 votes
Sometimes, when I want to "create" a new person aka profile, I am not sure that I have enough information/sources to do that.
If I have parents names, person's name and their birth date with one source, is that enough?

What does everyone consider the minimum necessary to create a profile? Or is there a WikiTree guideline for this?

In the profile linked below, I have Rachel's children listed in the Research Notes section. Do I have enough there to enter the kids?
WikiTree profile: Rachel Wharfield
in WikiTree Help by Susan Hughes G2G6 Mach 4 (49.9k points)

3 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer
If I want to add a parent, spouse, or child to someone's profile then I want the LNAB (last name at birth) and at least one date - either birth or death.  I want the same information to add a sibling, but then I also want to have at least one parent (that connects the siblings) already in WikiTree.

With the new rules about living people, if I have a birth date less than 100 years old, I still won't add the person unless I know the person is no longer living.

From a quick glance at Rachel's profile, it looks like you have plenty!  Very nice work!!!
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
Thank you!
Under the new GDPR rules, I no longer add any living persons. They will now only be added when I find a DOD for them.
+7 votes

Rachel, I’ve seen more than a couple of profiles with absolutely no data and only one source, a gedcom source. Two of these I’ve merged into my tree.

However, Gaile makes a good point. There’s got to be something there for others to see to make decisions about connecting with other trees. And what you stated is just what I’d look for: parents, a date and a source. Less than that and we would have no idea who a profile would represent.

And I agree with Gaile, too, in the work you’ve done with your profile. Good job!

by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
Thank you!
+2 votes
The absolute minimum that I use is first and last name, gender, date of birth or death and one source to support that date.

After I have created a family of profiles like this, then I go back and add in new sources, the bio and other information, any images I have etc.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

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