Do we have an update on Unsourced Profiles?

+11 votes
This thread is a long one and is still being added to.

Do we have an update since a number of changes were made to WikiTree including running the Project:Sourcerers#Sourcerers.27_Challenge , requiring sources, and adding the {{Unsourced}} template to many of them.  There are also suggestions for the Data Doctors that target empty or mostly empty biographies that will include lack of sources.  

So much (thank you) has been done to help solve this issue.  Do we have an update on how many still exist?

Looking at the Data Doctor stats it shows

48,742 as of June 3 2018 of the 802 Empty profile

21,466 of the 803 Almost empty profile

Totaling 70,208 which is a huge reduction from the 210,00 in the original thread.  

Additionally, there is the Unsourced list of these broken down by location

So if these are total figures it really shows the power of collaboration!
in The Tree House by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (874k points)
The numbers fluctuate. I know that I am finding a bunch that should be marked as unsourced in the CONANT Name Study. Since I am working on separating them by state. I am trying to mark them as I find them as well. It is kind of hard to search for them on my tablet.

4 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer

The WkiTree statistics page shows the profiles with the Unsourced  template as  1,181,482. 

by Patricia Roche G2G6 Pilot (935k points)
selected by Robin Lee
I am not seeing that on the Statistics page located here

What that shows for souring is:

33% unsourced

15% poorly sourced

This as of May 28, 2018.

This also shows 17,482,356 total profiles as of the same date

So 33% = 5,769,178.14 which does not match any of the other numbers.

The 33% was based on a sampling not on an accurate count.  

So can you give us the URL to where you got your number?
I see you ran a report out of Wiki+  when I ran for 5,000,000 {{Unsourced}} I got the same number you show.  

Ok, now I know where that came from.

This is the page where I got that total it seems to update every minute or so, and has grown by about 80, since I posted the number.  

Clicking on the Unsourced link, goes to the page for individual categories by area.

eta: with all of the unsourced profiles I find without the category added, I can believe the 5,769,178.14  as a realistic estimate

+8 votes
I do not see where the profiles with just Unsourced and no geographical area are listed.
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (900k points)
+9 votes
Bear in mind that even if this number isn't drastically shrinking, this in part is due to more profiles being identified as unsourced. I often add the tag to profiles while I am correcting errors as a Data Doctor. I've also advocated for the rest to do so as well and have it marked at the top of the spreadsheet.
by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (422k points)

To follow on from Stevens comments, only about 1 in 10 profiles I merge/adjust etc as a data doctor (not only from suggestions but also from locations expansion - NZ to New Zealand etc)  dosen't end up with an {{Unsourced| County/Sate/Country etc}} after fixing  ( so out of the 1000 profiles a week, I might process, about  900 get added to the unsourced profile lists) and then every annual Source-a-thon, the number of unsourced get dramatically reduced and we start all over again building it back up

Good points!
+6 votes
I have adopted many profiles over the years and still run across profiles from 2010 or 2011 that have not been worked on and have no sources and have not gotten the template added. Unlike others I do not add the template first. I try to find sources for them first, but that takes time so i can not do 1000 profiles a week as others state they do but the percentage of profiles that I do add the template to is far less than 90%. I feel that my way I am doing more to solve the problem than just adding them to a list and hoping that others fix the problem.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)

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