Why did Guérin turn to St. Hilaire?

+2 votes

Léonard Guérin  had Guillaume (Guerin St. Hilaire)

Guillaume Guerin took up the St. Hilaire Name But Why? 


in Genealogy Help by Don St. Hilaire G2G Rookie (190 points)

LNAB should be Guérin only, Saint-Hilaire (I don't use abbreviations) goes in the CLN,or OLN as appropriate. It is not a Nickname. The dit is included for males, dite for femalles for indexing, but some might say it's implied so unnecessary. Whatever. The dit name is an identifier much discussed in Wiki with the various reasons for the custom provided, for instance, here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/401885/how-best-to-deal-with-dit-names-for-quebec-ancestors?show=401885#q401885

Ok I understand the dit part but Why St. Hilaire?

Is it to say he's from St-Hilaire-du-Harcouet? or Why pick a Saint Name?


An equally valid question is why not? The influence of the Roman Catholic church in the daily lives of Quebecers was pronounced to say the least till the Duplessis years roughly, when it began to wane. I see nothing special at all in the choice. Place names Saint-this and Notre-Dame-that are strewn all over the place, and dit names could just as readily reflect geography as profession etc...

But knowing his specific rationale would be priceless in terms of family history, The dit name of my family stopped in my branch at dad's baptism, and not used by him in any formal proceeding thereafter ttbomk. His generation generally saw the last of it.

True...and valid "Why Not?"  So the Question remains as to Just WHY?

I do know He Took the Name Saint Hilaire In Canada... "knowing his specific rationale" is What I'm trying to get at...What was the reason for the change? Again is it because of a place, Or Trade or What have you? 

1 Answer

+5 votes
There is a place called St-Hilaire-du-Harcouet about 8 km from the place where he was baptized. He may have been living there when he came to Canada.
by Mike Houde G2G6 Mach 2 (26.9k points)
That could be an answer... But Why Pick A "Saintly" Name Did he do it because that's were he's from Or Was it A different Reason?

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