Georgeville P. Q. Canada ??

+5 votes
So, I start most of my Jewett profiles from a couple of books from the early 1900's ... like 10,000 Jewett descendants ... YIKES!  So, if old Frederic Clarke Jewett, the author/researcher, is like me, he has good and bad days.  So, I come across the following entry:

5015 DR. WILLIAM McKENDRE KEYES, was born in Bennington, Vt., Jan. 15, 1841. He studied medicine and settled in Georgeville, P. Q., Canada, where he now resides.

P.Q. Canada ?????  I'm assuming he meant 'Province of Quebec' ... and there is a Georgeville in Quebec.  A real funny entry as most of the entries in the books are right on ...

So, I'm going with Georgeville, Quebec unless someone slaps me side-o-the-head ...
in The Tree House by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
What is so strange about this? Vermont is next to Québec and crossing borders wasn’t as big a deal back then (although I think people were mostly crossing the other way in those days, looking for work in New England).
by Benoît Bousquet G2G5 (5.8k points)
selected by Danielle Liard
Sorry ... I thought the strange thing was referring to Quebec as P.Q.
P.Q. Was the commonly used shorthand form of Québec for a long time (some still use it). Obviously, QC is the official 2 letter abbreviation.
Thanks, Benoit!  I'm three-fourths of the way through his books and this was the first time he used PQ.  Not that a lot of those folks came through Quebec, but a few did.
QC is actually a more recent form of the abbreviation, it comes from the postal service automation and computer designations.  PQ was what used to be used for abbreviation.  Province de Québec.  Oh, and I wouldn't put Stanstead in the place name, that is provincial riding subject to change regularly, not a ''county'' at all.
Just curious, Wikipedia says, Stanstead "township consists of two villages: Fitch Bay (founded in 1855) and Georgeville (founded in the 1890s)." Is this incorrect? And if we are using location names from the early 1900s, what name should Bob use, just "Georgeville, Quebec"? We haven't really answered his question.
lol, the whole area of the province settled by Loyalists after US revolution used to be called the Eastern Townships.  But location names have changed so often around here makes one's head spin.  I would indeed stick to ''Georgeville, Québec, Canada.''  That way you have the location without anachronisms.  Don't know what happened to it in the various fusions done in latter part of 20th century.
Thanks, Danielle. Same problem in Ontario! I'm in the midst of trying to bring some sense to the Ontario categories, getting ride of Municipality of X (Original), etc. I'm going to private message you about something else.
Okay, there's more to this than Stanstead ... entering this place on Wikitree, with the suggested name, you get:

Georgeville, Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canada

What's with Memphrémagog?  Is that the county or whatever ... I'm getting so confused.  And all I really wanted to know about was PQ ... lol
oh, those suggested names are a pain, wish they would get rid of them, they come from FamilySearch, who do NOT operate by our rule of ''use their conventions''.  I always turn them off.  Memphrémagog is provincial riding.
LOL. That's my fault, Bob. I'm just way too wrapped up in categories these days, and I agree with Danielle, the suggested names are a pain.
+8 votes

Today, in English, I think it would be Georgeville, Stanstead, Quebec, but I'm not sure what it would have been in the early 1900s. According to Wikipedia Georgeville was founded by immigrants from Vermont, including presumably Dr. Keyes.

by Laurie Cruthers G2G6 Pilot (176k points)

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