Now that my DNA has been tested, why do the DNA match indicators not show up, even when the profile shows the match?

+6 votes
in WikiTree Help by Crystal Tyrrell G2G6 (9.8k points)
retagged by Dorothy Barry

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If what you are asking about is the DNA confirmation indicators, the reason they don't show up is that there is not yet any match to confirm. 

What your profile shows is that you have taken a DNA test and entered that information on Wikitree. The system then propagated your test up the line of the ancestors you have entered here.  Your ancestor profiles do not actually show any matches.  They simply show that you are a descendant and have taken a DNA test. One DNA test in and of itself doesn't really prove anything. 

Wikitree does not have any raw DNA data, so it  does not do DNA matching.  That process is done on sites designed for that purpose such as FTDNA, Ancestry, 23 and Me, My Heritage and Gedmatch. All that is done here is to provide test details for possible test takers with whom you might compare your test.

You might want to take a look at this page to see what is needed for DNA confirmation.

by Karen Raichle G2G6 Mach 8 (89.9k points)
selected by Debbie Parsons
One of my Brothers and one of my Sisters had their DNA Tested through, whereas mine was done through my Heritage. The Direct Line of Ancestors has been Confirmed by all three tests as well as that of 3 Known Cousins. However, my Brother and Sister are not willing to share their Results. I have spent over 12 years, off and on, doing my Geneaology Research and am quite Confident of whom my Ancestors are. They have also been Confirmed through  through GEDmatch. . I have multiple disabilities and it is difficult for me to go through each individual profile. There are also a great number of Confirmed Ancestors I need to add, so it is quite an Overwhelming task for me.
I Thank You for Your Response and I Appreciate it very much.

Your brother and sister's DNA tests along with yours will only allow you to mark your parents as confirmed. That is because your parents are the common ancestors of each of the test takers. The tests of your cousins will only allow you to mark as confirm up to whomever the common ancestor you share with them.

Even though you may be very sure whom your ancestors beyond the shared ones with your cousins, the DNA tests cannot confirm beyond that point.
Crystal, John's response is correct. If the only DNA test information you have is that for you and your siblings, please change your 'confirmed with DNA' entries for your ancestors beyond your parents to 'confident'. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I can help.
Thank You for your response and offer to help, Kay. I must confess, this whole DNA confirmation is quite confusing for me.

 I had my DNA tested through MyHeritage. com. So far,  almost every potential Match shown here on Wikkitree is an Ancestor / Relation I already have in my Tree.  I have been doing Research off and on for 12 years now and I am Confident my Ancestors are those I have listed so far.  I have difficulty in adding Sources as I cannot Copy and Paste, so every Source has to be typed in. As I have considerable difficulty with my hands, it is quite Overwhelming.

 Perhaps I overestimated  my ability to be a member of Wikkitree.

Being confident that the ancestors in your tree are correct is not the same as having confirmed those relationships with DNA. The 'potential' matches you see on WikiTree are only that, potential. WikiTree does not do any matching. You have to do that on your own, at either your testing company, or at If your only DNA matches are with your siblings, the 'confirmed with DNA' entries for more distant ancestors should be changed to 'confident'. I'll send you a private message, and we can discuss this further.

Using DNA on WikiTree can be a bit intimidating, but that doesn't mean that you can't use all the other features of WikiTree membership!

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