Jeremiah York's profile is a mess!

+8 votes
At Montrepose Cemetery in Kingston, NY, the name Dellevie caught my eye so I photographed Otto Dellevie's grave. I assumed the name was French. It wasn't. In trying to connect, I found the German immigrant widow, aged 90, living with her 4 single children in their 60s. How the heck can that be connected? Turns out, one of the sons had been briefly married. She died at 24, no children. But I found her family, and the connection quest was on.

I followed some relations out to Missouri from New York, who married someone with Tennessee ancestry, and from there back to colonial North Carolina. I made a couple connections along the way, including a large unconnected cluster that includes Jeremiah York.

Jeremiah's profile is a mess. It's also project protected, though I don't know how to determine which project that might be. I suspect maybe two different men married those two women. Maybe there was a bad merge once upon a time. The profile has lots of managers. Much of the family cluster relies heavily on findagrave. FAG can be a wonderful source, but its quality varies enormously. And it's a mess for this family cluster just like here on WikiTree.

Anyhow, I know hardly anything about colonial North Carolina or the York family. I think I need to toss this out to those who do and quietly back away. It's a very large unconnected cluster. I started out wanting to connect the Dellevies buried at Kingston, NY. I will work out from somewhere else to see about connecting it all.

My heartfelt thanks to anyone willing to tackle this Jeremiah York problem I've stumbled upon. I'm not qualified to do anything but call attention to it!
WikiTree profile: Jeremiah York
in Genealogy Help by Living Winter G2G6 Mach 8 (82.9k points)
edited by Living Winter
BTW, is the whole bottom-of-the-page connection blurb offline? Could be I actually connected the Dellevies long ago.
The profiles Diffee problem has been resolved.

2 Answers

+4 votes
if you go on to find a grave, it says about his marriages to both women. it really is a mess!!!!
by Living Jones G2G6 Mach 2 (20.8k points)
Looking at the wife called Wilson, the bios say she also married a Mr. Diffee. She has a child who's a Diffee in the middle of the York children birth order. As soon as I saw that, I decided not to tackle it myself.
+2 votes
Let me throw a wrench into the works!

      My ancestor, Moses York (aka Jurk) was born in Kingston, NY in the early 1700's, the purported son of a Daniel York.  But nobody knows very much about either of them, except that Moses married another ancestor of mine.  

     I have found that "Jurk" is also a German name, and that Germans have settled in Kingston during that period.

It is quite possible that your Jeremiah is related to my Moses.  See York-2418.
by Dan Sparkman G2G6 Mach 2 (27.3k points)

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