Where is Wikitree?

+7 votes
A question came up while reading a G2G question about people's names in Cyrillic.

Where exactly IS Wikitree? On the internet its impossible to actually tell without asking. (The location of the server is not it.)

By "where IS?" I mean where do the people who administer it, the ones with top level policy and  programming access, and who pay the internet bills, live? I mean in what countries.
in The Tree House by James McDonald G2G6 Mach 1 (13.1k points)
Thanks! Clearly then, its native language is English, and not the specific BBC-English sort (i.e. when discussing the schedule of a meeting of themselves, they will be speaking a word that sounds more like "school" than "shed".).

1 Answer

+16 votes
Best answer
Hi James,

It's a virtual organization. I live in New York. Other team members live in New Mexico, Iowa, California, Canada, Australia, and Slovenia.



by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Maggie N.
Yes, a virtual organization, which is exactly what I figured the answer would be, one of many.  My take on the question is from a different angle however, where is the time zone that date stamps everything?  I have noticed several times that the date changes during an online session and wondered where it is that the organization begins its daily cycle.  Thanks
I think it's GMT
It is
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