Here's another one for y'all...
This one is my wife's paternal line. I have not created the profile yet. According to my father-in-law's genealogy research (no sources) Armstead Patterson was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, I'm guessing between 1750 and 1760. He apparantly migrated to Mercer County, Kentucky, and died there about 1821. I have no name for a spouse. Peter Patterson-7932 is a grandson, the son of Armstead, Jr., in my database, but not on Peter's profile (yet).
I saw an erroneus connection on an Ancestry page, hitching Armstead to my own line of Patterson, but the parents would have been too old and other identifiable children were born far in advance of Armstead for him to have been a son, too.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Really! Any help, even if only a lead.