Should John Doane Jr. be a PGM profile?

+7 votes
Not much to add, the person was born in England, died in MA in 1629.  There may not be proof that he is related to John Doane Sr., but he meets the criteria on his own.
WikiTree profile: John Done
in The Tree House by Stu Ward G2G6 Pilot (236k points)
reopened by Jillaine Smith

2 Answers

+6 votes
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Yes.  Done.  Not sure why he is a Junior.  His origins are not known.
by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (978k points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
I'm not sure what you did, but I added him, then removed him.  I left a note in the margins:

Edit: After considerable reading of the references here and other places, It's apparent that this John Doane did NOT die in MA in 1629, but in England. He may actually be the parent of Martha but that should be considered unproven. There is lots of discussion about Deacon John Doane, who did come to Plymouth. It's pretty well established that Martha was his sister. If you solve his parentage, you solve Martha's. I didn't look into Anne but apparently she's also considered a sister of John and Martha.

It's also clear to me that this profile should be attributed to SIr John Doane of Utkinton and Flaxyards and all children disconnected. Instead, he was disconnected from his parents and some children remain.
He's John Jr. because his father was John of Flaxyard:;view=1up;seq=30
I don't know why this is closed and marked resolved.  I'm the originator and I don't consider it closed or resolved.
Sorry, Stuart, I had closed it because the question was "should he be PGM" -- if he was born in England and emigrated to New England prior to 1640 (even if he returned to England to die there), then yes, he's PGM.

But I've re-opened the thread because additional issues have obviously emerged.
If he's NOT the PGM immigrant, then he needs to be detached from the current spouse and children.

Alternatively, since this man is already part of a New England family unit, I'd rather that the information about the man who remained in England be moved to his own profile, and we leave this family unit in place.
I believe the idea that Martha is a d/o John and Lydia (if that's her name) is due to the idea that she is John the immigrant's sister.  Once John the immigrant is detached from John the landed gentry, then Martha should have been too.  I'm going to write a paragraph on both profiles explaining then and then detach them.  Thanks for your help.

[[Doane-5|Anne Done Twinning]] is project protected.  If someone could detach her from John, that would be great.  On the other hand, I have no skin in the game since Anne isn't an ancestor.  I'm descended from Martha and also Deacon John. 

I need to u sweet and if this profile is going to remain the PGM immigrant or not. If not we need to recreate his family.
+3 votes

I have been working on the Dones and found this "entangled profile" it looks like the profile has been merged into itself and Doan-11without post-merge clean-up.

Anyone willing to rewrite the Biography would be a great help, the existing belongs to the prior resident. [[Doan-11 | John (Doane) Done Sr]] 

Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" Lewis Carroll

by Kenneth Shelton G2G6 Mach 2 (20.9k points)

Kenneth, I made a suggestion on Sir John Doane-84, that you rewrite the bio, since you seem to have done some research. It doesn't have to be fancy, just cover the pertinent facts with sources.

Anne, the profile may need "purging" and start over. I will work on the biography and retain pertinent information.

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