Source verification help

+4 votes
Entered this profile late last year and found some FamilySearch 'sources' that seemed to line up ... now I'm not so sure ... I'm on the edge of just removing those sources and the death date/place and spouse name.  These sources don't have much if any corroborating data ... no document copy, no parents listed, etc. and I'd bet there were several Arthur Jewetts roaming around Maine at that time.
WikiTree profile: Arthur Jewett
in The Tree House by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

3 Answers

+5 votes

I see the problem - how do you know it's the right Arthur?  I think you can get his birth certificate from the state, because he was born over 75 years ago.  "Birth records 75 years or older, marriage records 50 years or older, death records 25 years or older and fetal deaths 50 years or older are considered public records and informational copies can be issued to anyone requesting them."

by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (780k points)
Herb, do you know if that is just for the state of Maine, or is that for all states?
Rodney, it varies state to state.  They all have a vital records department, but some are more open than others.  You just have to find their website and check.
+4 votes

It’s some work, but I’d suggest you start with the father and add sources which might provide evidence for the (lack of) connection to the son, then add what you can find for the son. Census records are your friend as they have clues about family.

There is an Ohio connection from Edwin

Ohio, County Death Records, 1840-2001," database with images, FamilySearch( : 9 March 2018), Edwin Hale Jewett, 13 Dec 1925; citing Death, Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States, source ID cn 3644, County courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 1,689,657.

by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (634k points)
+5 votes
When I've encountered a situation like this, I've found it helpful to gather ALL of the records and other sources that I can possibly find for persons who share the name, approximate date range, and geography of interest, and write down ALL of the details found in each individual record (birth, death, marriage, census, deed, will, etc.) The compilation of details in each of the different records often makes it possible to discern different individuals and may make it possible to connect the different individuals to their family members. is an example of a profile where I compiled information about different men of the same name. In that particular case, I am fairly confident that I can distinguish the two men, but I still haven't found a solid basis for connecting one of them to the single birth record that exists. (I've exchanged email with folks -- not members of WikiTree -- who are sure they know which one belongs to that birth record. They are probably right, but I've not seen documentation that will confirm their belief.)
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

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