empty profile insistence ??? [closed]

+8 votes
I am working on the TREAT family in the 1700s.There were a bunch of Ashbel TREATs and I need to differentiate between them to trace a line.
I have added a couple and found a couple.
I have added bios and sources to tell them apart.

And I have run into something wierd ...
a user who is insisting on having empty profiles. ???

He has deleted the bios and sources I have added and leaves a totally empty profile. I don't see the sense in this and I do not want the wives I have created to be linked to empty profiles ... as I find it totally useless.

I have tried communicating with the user by leaving messages on the TREAT profiles, but he has just deleted my messages immediately without any reply.

Is this type of user activity acceptable by wikitree ?
I am wondering what can be done about it, so that
the TREAT prfiles can have bios and sources on them ?


WikiTree profile: Ashbel Treat
closed with the note: This is being looked into.
in The Tree House by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (310k points)
closed by Eowyn Langholf
N. Thank you for trying to improve these profiles. Since we collaborate, especially on older profiles like these, what you are doing is fantastic. I have restored the two profiles you mentioned. In the meantime, I would recommend you file an MIR to document this situation so we can try to sort out what's going on in a less public area. Thanks for you patience!
FYI to Abby Glann:    It looks like mediation is in progress on these two profiles. I'm not a mediator, but I took a look and saw that large portions of information (particularly related to military history) had been removed for no reason given by N. Gauthier, followed by some back-and-forth 'restorations' of said profile to what these two had done. So just restoring the profile to what N. Gauthier had done (which effectively wipes out what Eddy had done) seems a bit hasty to me, according to WikiTree standards and philosophy.
I looked over the changes prior to making any actions. The bio that was there was directly copied from the Treat Family book that was the only source. N rewrote the bio using the same source so it was no longer copy paste and added a source. This is in mediation and no longer needs discussed here, but I try not to act rashly.
Thanks for the explanation.  And I trust you didn't block either Eddie or N. Gauthier from WikiTree, right?  Because apparently Eddie King is now locked out of WikiTree, and can't even see his own profile page for some reason.
mentors and the team are handling it.
Thank you, Abby!  :-)

2 Answers

+6 votes
It's my understanding that we'd rather have more well-sourced information than less on profile pages at WikiTree, so this is quite odd.

And this seems very strange on several levels, the first being that the WikiTreer in question, Eddie King, has previously been very helpful to me. The next strangeness is that it seems Eddie had made some positive changes on these profiles at first, before they were deleted out to blank profile pages.  So I'm leaning toward Eddie experiencing some kind of internet or computer problems, or something.

Since you've already left messages on the pages in question with no response, perhaps you could next send a direct message to Eddie, asking what's up.

-- NOTE:  I just sent Eddie a private message, asking what's up
by Cynthia Larson G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
I don't understand why there was such a rush to delete my bios just to leave an empty profile.

I don't believe there is anything objectionable to my bios and sources.

Why couldn't the bio & sources remain there until he got whatever response he was looking for.

I am working on that TREAT line right now and it is hard to tell empty profiles apart.


You should have contacted me before making major edits.

We could have discussed what you wanted to do. 

When I look through the edits on these profiles, such as Treat-965, it looks like you removed a good deal of biographic information that Eddie had put on the profile just two days ago.  And I did hear back from Eddie that he had replied to your messages to him, and since you and he have different information being added to and deleted from what the other is suggesting, it seems a good time to bring in a WikiTree mediator to help sort things out.  Rather than have the profiles flip-flopping back and forth, blank profiles can provide a neutral, temporary status until the mediator can assist and hear from both you and Eddie.
I never remove any info.
I rework it into an inline citation with a source.
+11 votes
I did reply . Politely. And said I have asked a mediator to look in.

I am waiting for the mediator's response.

When two members have a difference, the proper procedure , according to the Honor Code, is to seek such help and advice.
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (721k points)
When I have finished the profile I began late last night, I will look at the Treats notes I have. When a job is once begun, never leave it til it's done ;-}

My original note

 is a copy of a Private Message you sent via WikiTree. If you did not send this message, please alert info@wikitree.com.

The following was sent via the private messaging system on WikiTree.com.

I'd like to thank you for trying to help with the profiles for the Treats.
I did , however , erase the bio sections. 
I work with Gaile Connolly on the bios for
 my historicals.  We do work like these




I find images of events and documents ,
 as well as Biographical data and Gaile makes it elegant. 

As we work our way alphabetically through 
our soldiers, eventually the Treats will
 resemble the above.  I've selected several images
 of their home areas etc.

Again, thanks, and have a wonderful weekend.

This message is from Eddie King (1980king@twc.com). Click here for their WikiTree profile: https://www.WikiTree.com/wiki/King-21644

The sender was on this profile page when they sent the message: https://www.WikiTree.com/wiki/Gauthier-2258

This was NOT a reply to any of the messages I sent him.

The messages I posted on the profile were in response to this message. My message politily asked him to leave my bios and sources on the profiles UNTIL he reached the TREAT soldier on his alphabetical list ... possibly some lengthy indefinite time period.

The other message I left had nothing to do with the soldier and was for another Ashbel TREAT ... again I asked that the profile be left visible while I was working on the line and for the use of other researchers.

I just don't understand at all why it is so important to have a TOTALLY empty profile ???
Why delete the work of other users who provide valid info with sources ???
I never got any responses to my questions at all.
Your comment indicated that you needed all the data so you could work other profiles and I immediately responded with a suggestion that when you work a family, creating a free space pages for notes and resources might be advantageous.
I don't know what a "free space page" is.
Why do you want to force me to learn something new,
when I should be able to use the profiles ?

Why do you never answer the question about why you insist that the profiles have to be empty ??? That doesn't agree with the wikitree policies I have read about. ???
What additoinal sources did you add?  

I have changed profiles. but I did it with sourcing or changed it because of lack of proof.  I'll give you examples if you want to know. But the ones I did change were long after I attempted to contact the PM with NO RESPONSE.

But if you removed ANY of his data without proof of any kind, why? And just because you are working on Treats doesn't mean other's can't, You couldn't work on other Treats while Eddie was busy with another profile?
Hi everyone, this is being looked into by mentors and the team so let's drop it here. Thanks!

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