Can anyone translate this?

+4 votes
in Genealogy Help by Linda Rowell G2G4 (4.5k points)
Can you download the image and post it? Those of us without a subscription cannot see the image.
Can t seem to get it to load on here?  if you right click link it won t open?
If you have a profile for this person, you could upload the image to their page. Otherwise, only paying members of can see the image. Also, see answer below.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

I have a little trouble reading the old Gothic script. I can give you the gist, but there's a little more detail in there that I've missed.

It's a death record. On 22 Nov 1888, the embroiderer ("Stickerin") Ernestine Goeringer, resident of Grottkau, appeared in the the registry office in Grottkau to report the death of her mother Widow Ernestine Goeringer (born Riegner), 77 years, 4 months, 21 days old, of the Protestant ("evangelische") religion. She was born in Seifrodau in Wohlau.

She had once been married to Friedrich Goeringer, and her parents were Friedrich Riegner and Eleonora Riegner (born Leukert). She died at her apartment in Grottkau on 21 Nov 1888 at 7:15 PM.

by Marta Johnson G2G6 Mach 3 (35.0k points)
selected by Linda Rowell

WOW.....who would have thought all that was in those hieroglyphic writings!!! LOL!  Thank you so much...I have so many German documents and have tried to decipher words etc WHEN I can even make them out, but not too successful!  How did you learn to read that!!!!  Thank you so much! 

I placed the documents on profile  Ernestine Riegner Goeringer if someone could translate for me it would be great!  Thank you.

Glad to help. But know that my answer is just a summary. A person more familiar with reading these would likely be able to decipher the little details about Ernestine the Elder's childhood and parents. Here's a link with a helpful chart with the Gothic alphabet in script.

Familiarity with German is an advantage, and also some practice reading this particular Gothic script, which can differ significantly with English cursive script. If you've got a bit of German under your belt and the squiggly letters are unclear, then having a sense of the context and grammar can help to narrow down the possibilities of what the word is likely to be. A measurement, a month, a profession.

The second document you shared is also a death record. The same Ernestine Goeringer from the previous death record, an embroiderer and resident of Grosskau, appeared at the registry office on 28 January 1886 to report the death of her father Friedrich Goeringer. He was born in Grosskau and was 88 years 7 months old and Protestant ("evangelische"). He was the son of Johann Goeringer and Christiane Beate Göringer (born Linke). He died in his apartment in Grosskau on 28 Jan 1886 at 7 AM.

I can't decipher his profession, which is listed above his name. It looks like it ends with "...meister" and perhaps starts with "Dach..." or maybe "Drech". It looks to me like "Drechlermeister", which would be a master wood turner. His father Johann Goeringer had the same profession. 

Also, notice the spelling of his mother's name uses the umlauted "ö" instead of "oe".

Thank You Marta!!! Amazing !
+3 votes

The record is in German:

Eastern Prussian Provinces, Germany

Linda, if you can find someone to help with the record, maybe you can email it to them. 

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

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