Seeking ancestors of Alfred Morris born circa 1920 died circa 1961 in Southern Ontario, Canada.

+3 votes
My bio father, Alfred Morris, was a sax player, and had his own orchestra (big band type) in 1943 in Southern Ontario. He later joined the Modern Aires, and the band performed regularly at dance venues in Ontario thru the 50's. His wife's name was Helen, and I am told he had 2 daughters. According to voter lists of Toronto area, he was listed with his wife as voters until approx. 1953, and then listed by himself up to 1957. The '57 record showed him as "retired", although earlier records show the vocation as "musician". I am mostly interested in his family tree as I have much info about my mother's side (Hunter) yet nothing on the Morris side. My surname was changed from Morris to Olsson in 1961, when I was 11, upon my mother's marriage to Denis Olsson, who legally adopted me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
in Genealogy Help by Rick Olsson G2G Crew (400 points)
The retired Alfred Morris in the 1957 voting register (and dies in 1959) info can be found here:

I could not find the musician other than that one voting register.  Good luck in your search.

1 Answer

+2 votes
The retired Alfred Morris in the 1957 voting is an engineer from England born in 1878, he and his family are living at the same address in the 1921 Census. The musician in the earlier voting records mentioned above is still living in the Davenport area later, i think.  I think you are blending two different gentlemen into one.
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (281k points)

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