Cleaning up James S Blunt's profile

+6 votes
I would like to clean up James Blunt's profile and the task is way to daunting for me. I've read the help page and still feel hopeless. I'm not the manager, just a distant cousin.  Am reluctant to undo something that may be important.  Some of the references I click on come up as "forbidden".

Beyond the issue of asking for co-management, is the total helplessness I feel, faced with all the incomprehensible references. Maybe an online seminar could help. Or if any WikiTree fairies would like to step in and clean something up and I could watch what you do?
WikiTree profile: James Blunt
in Policy and Style by C Ryder G2G6 Mach 9 (91.3k points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
I’m working on going through all my profiles and switching references to non-Ancestry when possible and writing bios instead of the gedcom output that is automatically formatted during import. Something I would have been happy to explain to you had you reached out to me. James Blunt is my third-great-grandfather. As others have stated, ask the profile manager. There is a send a private message link next to the profile manager’s name and each profile has an add a public comment option.  This will possibly save you a lot of work that gets undone and prevents upsetting family members of the person profiled.  I only learned of your question/edits from the family news delivered by email this morning.
by Jody Rodgers G2G6 Mach 6 (60.1k points)
selected by C Ryder
Jody, hello,

I'm glad to be in touch. So sorry for the misunderstanding. I was a total beginner about a year ago and overwhelmed by WikiTree, when I stumbled on the profiles you did of some of our common ancestors. I did write to you at the time and got no answer.

I noticed a lot of odd green notations in some of the profiles, wondered what that was, read through the forum, figured that must be gedcom. Couldn't figure out what one was supposed to do exactly, didn't want to pester. Thought maybe your priorities were elsewhere.  My question on the forum was about how hard it is to learn from articles written on here; I wondered if there was another more direct way to learn. If I knew how to correctly "clean up gedcom" I could try getting in touch again, with a little more know-how.

My sincere apologies if this has annoyed you. I realize now I should have tried writing again.  

If you are talking about green numbers, those are the source citation links. They’ll take you to the source for that information below in the sources section.  You can think of it like a research paper. Not all profiles wil have them. I’ve got several profiles were I only have one resource and it’s not someone I necessarily want to research further so I’ll just leave the bio blank and add the source directly in the source section.
+10 votes
The current profile manager is an active person. Would your first step not be to start a conversation with that person? She may be able to help you through your feeling of total helplessness.
by Rodney Long G2G6 Pilot (972k points)
+8 votes
Most of the sources I see on the profile come from either or Family Search. To access the ancestry sources you would have to have a subscription, but most of this stuff is available free on Family Search. None of it is forbidden just requires payment.

The profile looks okay to me, curious to know what needs cleaning up.

When in doubt message the profile manager. I find most folks on here are very willing to work together.
by Jeanie Roberts G2G6 Pilot (146k points)

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