Shared Photo: Nova L Barnhill

+10 votes

 Nova Barnhill married Ira Waller in 1906. She died in child birth in Melrose, New Mexico in 1907. She is buried in Melrose, NM.

I wanted to share this family photo of Nova Barnhill with the community. Location: Melrose, NM. Date: After 1905.
Click here for the image details page.

WikiTree profile: Nova Waller
in Photos by Janice Sutherland G2G6 Mach 7 (78.8k points)
Beautiful lady, dress and photo! Thanks!
She is lovely, how sad for her and her babies. Thank you for sharing such a personal photo and story. Very moving

3 Answers

+10 votes
Hi Janice, Nova is a beautiful woman and I can see the way she is dressed and by her posture that she is a true lady of high breeding. Lovely Biography. Again one concern, why have you left spouse as unknown? Please don't take offence at this question, I may learn something from your reason for leaving it out, hence the question. Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful photo.
by Shaun Doust G2G6 Pilot (363k points)
Shaun, Nova's spouse is not unknown and it's not Janice's fault that the profile misrepresents him as unknown!

That's just the wording WikiTree uses to indicate that no profile exists for her spouse.  Personally, I wish they would change that wording.  If you look at the biography, her spouse is identified and their marriage is documented.
Hi Gaile please don't get me wrong, I was not being judgmental or nasty, i was just wondering if there was some reason for it not showing on the profile as I saw it clearly recorded in the Bio. All mine have spouse profiles so I wouldn't know if it was possible or not to fill in that part of the profile in that case, i have never had a reason to try it hence the question.
Oh, Shaun, I'm so sorry I came off as critical of you - this is another example of true meaning not coming through in writing.  I absolutely did not mean it that way - I was only trying to explain why that happens.  I think maybe my disgruntlement with the way it works got improperly transferred to you in translation.  I am so, so sorry!
Please don't feel bad Gaile, no offence taken and no apology needed.

Some express and interpret differently, that's what makes us human and unique. Misunderstandings will happen and we will rectify them.

I was just feeling out for the possibility of editing a marriage seeing as the spouse name and date of event is known and I was not sure if this was possible without a spouse profile, but I can't see why not? Has anyone tried it? Is it possible?

No, you can't enter marriage data until you have a marriage in the database ... and it takes 2 to tango (profiles, that is).

A similar problem exists for sibling relationships.  They are not specifically tracked in the database - they only exist by looking at all the children for someone's parents.  If you take WikiTree up on the offer to add a sibling, if the person does not have at least 1 parent entered then WikiTree automatically creates a new profile with first name "Unknown", LNAB matching the person's LNAB, and makes it the father of the person.  Then it adds the new sibling's profile, connecting it to the same new father ... and guess what?  You have just become the proud profile manager of this new father's profile, without ever being told it now exists!


Yep Gaile, probably the most annoying thing I ever learned in wikitree, these 'unknown' parents I unknowingly created are pretty much my entire unsourced list!

Shaun, I have a few spouses not added because if I can't find parish records for the marriage and only have an index record I often can't make the profile as I have no birth date, I could estimate but don't like to do this as I've found spouses can differ in ages quite significantly (especially further back when mortality was high and second marriages common).
How true, about sometimes not knowing enough to be able to add a profile for a spouse, Lizzie.  In addition to the missing dates, sometimes - typically in the case of a wife - even if you know the dates, you don't know the LNAB and don't want to add another Unknown LNAB.
Cause I'm not done yet!  I'm getting there.
Janice, the work you're doing is magnificient ... take your time - quality is well worth the time it takes to produce it!

I apologize for hijacking this thread to rant about some stuff that WikiTree doesn't do as well as it could.
Hah. No problem. I'm learning. I added Ira Waller. I forgot I had a photo of hi,. Man he's cute!
It's interesting Shaun how much Dewey and Nova look like they are fine ladies. Such a difference from Mildred with the 3 kids. Of course Mildred's photo is not a woman of 18 either. My mom born in 1931 was living in a dugout in Pie Town New Mexico. It always looked like an outhouse to me. Maybe it's the difference between the prosperous 1900s compared to photos taken closer to the depression. I don't think the family was ever that well off but probably got much harder. I'm rambling on now...
Thank you Gaile for the clarification on profile relationships and the creating of unknown LNAB's, I must say I have learned something new. I guess that was what I was looking for when I asked Janice about the marriage.
Thank you for your comment Lizzie, much appreciated.
Thank you Janice, yes maybe they were not that well off, but they sure took care of themselves and dressed like Lady's.
+8 votes
What a magnificent photo, Janice. Nova is very serious and dignified looking. Her dress is beautiful! Her story is also very sad. Thanks not only for the photo, but for sharing Nova’s life with us!
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
+7 votes
Thank you Janice for sharing this photo of Nova, When. Look at her beautiful outfit I was thinking the ladies really was so elegant dress in the good old days.

She is so beautiful in her fantastic dress.
by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)

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