Grottkau, Jan 28 1886.
Before the undersigned civil registrar appeared today the personally known textile worker Ernestine Goeringer, residing in Grottkau, and adwvised that her father, the master turner Friedrich Goeringer, aged 88 years 7 months, of protestant confession, residing in Grottkau, born in Grottkau, who had been married to Ernestine Goeringer, née Riegner, residing in Grottkau, son of the deceased master turner Johann Goeringer, previously residing in Grottkau, and his wife Christiane Beate Göringer née Linke, who had died in Grottkau, had died in Grottkau in his home on January 28, 1885 at 7 o'clock in the morning. The announcer has witnessed the death.
Read, approved and signed
The registrar Hellmann