100,000+ G2G points Congratulations to Jim Parish, and thank you from all of us!

+23 votes

Congratulations , 100,000 + points, WOW!! 

Jim and members like him make us look good on a daily basis; keeping WikiTree a friendly and respectable genealogy site for all. Our good reputation is built by Jim and people like him.

Thank you, Jim, for all your contributions to WikiTree! In addition to Jim's impressive contributions on G2G he is also a Sourcerer, Connector, works on several projects, and has participated in the last two Source A Thons!

On behalf of us all, the G2G Integrators extends a huge thank-you and a big pat on the back to Jim Parish!!

Thank you so much for all you do, we really appreciate it!

WikiTree profile: Jim Parish
in Appreciation by NJ Penny G2G6 Pilot (155k points)

Thank you, NJ! WikiTree really kindled my love of genealogy. My own family, even though I have my paternal line to the 1600s, and my maternal into the early 1800s, still has many unsourced profiles, and profiles yet to be added. Sources for my family seem hard to come by! So I've spent a lot of time doing sourcing + particularly Connecticut unsourced (where my paternal line spent most of the 1700s) because I run into a lot of cousin connections due to the relatively small population in that time. I also quite like to help to contribute my 2 cents to G2G questions and conundrums.

Thank you all for your good wishes, and the fellowship I feel among us all. I have learned an incredible amount, and continue learning every day.

Warm regards,

Jim Parish, whose earliest known paternal ancestor is John Parish-47.

Congratulations Jim!
Congratulations Jim. Keep up the great work. You're dedication is appreciated.

9 Answers

+17 votes
Best answer



by Rubén Hernández G2G6 Pilot (849k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+16 votes

Way to go and THANK YOU for all your excellent contributions to WikiTree, Jim!
by Cynthia Larson G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
+15 votes
Way to go. That is one heck of a lot of clicking and typing. It's hard to believe just how much communication goes on in G2G. And to think I spent over 4 years not having a clue. LOL
by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (422k points)
+15 votes

WOW!! 100,000 + G2G Points.


Congratulations we Appreciate You

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+13 votes
Nice work Jim.
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+13 votes
Congratulations, Jim!  Another pilot!  Excellent work!
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (499k points)
+12 votes

What and amazing achievement Jim thank you for all you do for wikkitree 

Thank NJ for Honor a great member you rock 

by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
+11 votes
Congratulations Jim, well deserved after all your hard work and contributions. Welcome aboard Pilot!

Thank you NJ for honoring a Super Star.
by Shaun Doust G2G6 Pilot (363k points)
+9 votes
Congratulations to you, Jim! It takes a lot of hard work and participation to reach that level of achievement. You deserve the recognition!  We’re proud of you and your accomplishments!
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

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