Can someone at NNS take this? if I find one more set of duplicates today I will scream

+5 votes

I have Maria Westfall and Maria Westfael here and I was really trying to concentrate on something else!  Just keep running into merges that need doing - have done some but I need to not be distracted while I fix all the Thomases and Elizabeth Moores - lets see the Westfall is Westfall-82 and the Westfael is 5

RETAGGED: The standard tag for the New Netherland Settlers project is new_netherland (not nns, not new_netherland_settlers, not new_netherlands).

WikiTree profile: Marya Westvaal
in Genealogy Help by Navarro Mariott G2G6 Pilot (174k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
what is NNS?

NNS probably refers to the New Netherland Settlers Project.

New Netherlands Settlers Project
I am sorry Dennis, we have been trying to get away from the mysterious acronyms here so people are not lost on what is going on - I did tag it with New Netherland as well - those of us in the project and many who are in other early settlers projects know and we tend to use the shorthand sort of things among each other - PGM is Puritan Grat Migration - which is not all Puritans - but includes them and the people who came over with them or at the same time - NNS is New Netherland which is what New York, New Jersey and Albany were before they became what they are - Dutch people and those that came with them are in this batch of folks while the PGM folks are a bit further North

3 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
Understand your frustration....we have a project dedicated to merging of duplicates, the Arborist project.   Make sure you use that tag when you post on G2G, and the Arborists will help out.   Also,  you can propose the merges yourself when you find them.   Take a look at

In this case, the mother also needed merging, I have proposed the necessary merges.   Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (906k points)
selected by Gaile Connolly
In merging New Netherland profiles, we aim to determine the LNAB before merging. To support determination of the LNAB (and for other good genealogical reasons), we ask members to document the person's full church records. For example, for a baptism, this is not just "she was baptized on Jan. 28, 1719", but a full verbatim transcript of the record, including the full names of the child, the parents, and the witnesses as recorded on the register.

These profiles both provide baptism records that include the father's last names, and both fathers were using family names (not patronymic names), so the father's last name at baptism is the daughter's LNAB. Both of the correct LNABs are now project-protected, so the proposed merges will go in the correct direction.
Well i was in such a rush tis morning and I must have thought the better sourced one was PPP and assumed the LNAB was already determined on this one - now trying to remember why I even was checking out this profile today - oh yeah because of proximity - Bristol Vermont and Peterborough New Hampshire are really pretty close to one another and so I believe I was checking to see it that one had a source I needed for my problem with my Elizabeth Moores - and I followed the profile up maybe - not sure but have been merging and fixing a bunch of my later people and then this one that I had thought was solid long ago is there with the duplicate - turning what I thought was going to be a shortcut into the long road it is - ahh well I will figure it out and put EM on the shelf for now -

thanks to all for recognizing my frustration and giving me the cheering on I needed to keep improving as I find those needing it
+8 votes

"Just keep running into merges that need doing..." I don't have an answer for you but, boy, do I know the feeling! Just keep hanging in there. Don't let the frustration keep you for forging ahead.

by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
she is our connection Pip!  interestingly her grandmother Helenora de Duytser is my sixth great grandmother twice - there we go - one of my inbreeding finds - through her daughter Margriet de Duyser and another daughter from a different marriage Ragel de la Montagne so I have to see her getting merged through - bothe Margriet and Maria now have the merges coming, still checking to see if anyone else in this branch need to merge

now the link wont go - have to go to work but it is a 22 step connection - fun!
Looking at the records it seems that although Margriet was born with LNAB Duyster she later used Duyser - notably in the birth of Maria Westfael where she is listed Duyser with no T

AS De Duyser-1 has little to no source or connections it should proceed to be merged into De Duytser-6 and then we can concentrate on Maria
+2 votes
Well I have most of Maria'a children sourced for birth - primary on the majority - now they are attached to the Maria Westfall profile which would be merged into the Maria Westfael profile

Westfall-82 >>Westfael-5

but in doing so I have NOT located the birth record for my own link to this family - Sabina!  Now the profile I found had Sbina but the biography seems to show Wentje so I am confused if they are two seperate people or one with a nick name or middle name - not many then yet with the middle name - - looking into it

Also put a note on Benjamin as the birth date does not agree and I fear this is the wrong Benjamin that somehow ended up here by bad merge or other error - anyone have any clues?  I am still searching for answers on this - will be stuck now for a while fixing the FS mess where her profile there is all whacked out
by Navarro Mariott G2G6 Pilot (174k points)
over at FS the benjamin is badly merged - they have the one from 1741 who is a different cousin - son of Nicholas Schoonhoven and Pierternella Westfael - and so I feel I must put that right - still can not find a Benjamin from 1745 - born in Sussex, but he is the one mixed up here and went to Virginia - I recall the confusion of Benjamins now from message boards on Ancestry years ago - maybe the answer is there!
well I am still on the untangling of several Benjamins but progress is being made there - now looking at his Grandmother I see she looks ready to merge into the profile with the correct LNAB so that would be

De_Duyser-1 going into DeDuytser-6

keep in mind that De_Duyser-1 has the link to the Maria with the correct LNAB - Westfael

while the De_Duytser-6 has the wrong LNAB for her daughter but that profile has the children  so that second merge will go

Westfall-82 into Westfael-5

now I just spent the better part of twenty minutes looking and not finding the page that outlines the steps for the merge within the New Netherland Settlers project - where the heck could it have gone?

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