New question on Mary Nacey.

+4 votes
I have no information on Mary Nacey other than she had a child, Stephen D. Connell -573, with my Great Grandfather, Denis Connell-559 in Washington DC in 1860.  1860 is the year that Denis married Catherine Rover on August 24. There is also the possibility that Mary was born in Ireland.

There is a birth certificate from St. Patrick's Cathedral that states Stephen D Connell is the "lawful child" of Denis Connell and Mary Nacey.  Stephen is buried in the Connell Family plot which has lost all of it's beautiful tomb stones.  What remains is a flat marble marker for 3 of the Connell's daughters.

I have nothing else to go on and would like to know more about Mary and Stephen.

Thank you
WikiTree profile: Mary Nacey
in Genealogy Help by Living Stutts G2G4 (4.3k points)
retagged by Anthony McCabe

Here is some information on a Mary Nacey I not sure if it's the one your making reference of though

Name: Mary Nacey
Arrival date: 11 Jul 1856
Birth Date: abt 1839
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Irish
Place of Origin: Ireland
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England
Destination: United States of America
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Guy Mannering

Source: New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Year: 1856; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897; Microfilm Roll: Roll 164; Line: 44; List Number: 635

Dear Steve,

Wow that was quick.  It is much more information than I had and the fact that she arrived in New York corresponds with where my great grandfather arrived but I have him on the Constitution.  I could be wrong.  Thank you, I will use your information to do more digging.


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