How to start a new tree?

+3 votes
I have been looking through Wikitree files for any name connected to my American side, sadly can not find any.. Would like to start a new line for them and when we find the connection to the English side, join them up.  How do I start a new line as it won't be directly connect to me. The English side was fine as I could back track it from myself.  Help would be much appreciated to how I can achieve this goal.  Pam
in WikiTree Help by Pam Pakes G2G1 (1.4k points)
Hi Pam,

I agree with all the answers provided, it really depends on what you means by your American side? and what you mean by not knowing the connection to the English side? Is this DNA matches that you've not yet connected?

I would be hesitant to advise you to start a whole new line of research unless (as Belulah implies) you know enough about them to start building their tree. As an extra thought... if they  are living you may want to ask their permission before you do this. Shaun's advice seems sound, persevere with your current research and when your stuck ask questions here, people will always help out, just provide as much detail as you can!

Hope that helps a little
And Pam, a quick scan of the profiles you've created sees only "family history" as a source.  We encourage you to flesh these sources out with more specific sources.  You'll need that to obtain/retain pre-1700 editing privileges.

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

I think you want to start a branch that's not connected to anyone, with the hope that the new branch will eventually connect to the rest of the tree.

You just need to be on any regular Wikitree page (that isn't the Forum).  Along the top right there are five drop down menus.  One of them says "Add".  Open that menu, and select "New Person".  A form will open and then you can add the first person in the family you are interested in adding.  They don't have to be connected to anyone else yet.  Just be prepared to have a source ready (you can't add a new person without explaining how you know they existed -- maybe with a census record, or other document.)  You can then connect more people as father, mother, siblings, etc. of the first person you added.  

by R. Greenup G2G6 Mach 7 (73.4k points)
selected by Beulah Cramer
Thank you so much R.Greenup.  It worked and can now add the USA family.  Have the English side from 1715 and the Mississippi side from 1730 to current  dates, but can't find the missing link.  DNA proves they are a match both families.

This is a wonderful site and with some much help freely giving

Thank you

It seems that my request for a new tree has caused a few problems, so will explain best I can and the reason why

Over the last 35 years I have researched the STRONG family from England to NZ.  Then a few years ago the cousins got together and decided to do a DNA from our oldest male family member. To our great surprise it came back with our English side and another perfect match to a family in Mississippi.  At the time there was a gentleman writing a book on the John Elder Strong''s family in American,  He was having trouble connection the two families together. They had done a DNA as well and a perfect match to our families. He then removed the whole Mississippi family from his book and gave it to me, for which I was most grateful. Since then I have got the English side back to 1715 to William Strong and on the Mississippi side I have Edward abt 1730 with the possible father John abt 1710. There was two Captain Strong's at the time running ships out Greenwich England to North Carolina. We think possible, John may have climbed on board and got a ride out, no paper work can be found. A couple of years ago I met up with Prof Robert Walt Strong on his trip to NZ with his wife. On his return he was going to take a trip to Mississippi to see if he could find the truth. but unfortunately he passed away a couple of months later before making the trip.  I would be more than grateful if  I can link the two families together. Then the circle will be complete to currant date.  Many thanks for your help.

+6 votes
I would pick one person I know a lot about and enter him or her just as if you were starting a tree for yourself.   From there, branch out to parents, children, siblings etc. furnishing as many sources and dates as you can.  Maybe eventually the two trees will connect but they don't have to until there is evidence.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (592k points)
+5 votes
Hi Pam, My advise to you would be to continue with your existing tree, and correct me if I am wrong, the English line. Then trace them back to the States, that will be a lot easier than starting a new line in the hopes of making a connection. believe me I have relatives in SA UK AUS NZ USA and so far I have only been able to connect 3 of the countries. If you Get stuck, a brick wall as they call it, then post here on G2G and someone is bound to help you out, but starting a new line and going a hit and a miss and a maybe, not a good idea.
by Shaun Doust G2G6 Pilot (363k points)

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