[Italian][Antenati] The index says he died in the hospital... how do I find the actual document?

+3 votes

Antonino passed away at the hospital in Palermo on 06 Feb 1841 as per this indexed record on Antenati.

Only issue is, I'm trying to find the exact document for it and I'm failing. It wasn't in Palermo (Proiezione)(oggi Palermo), and it wasn't in from where he was from, Mondello - Palermo (Sezione Mondello e Pallavicino)(oggi Palermo) - so which section is it in? Is there somewhere online that says where this old hospital is located? Anything?


Edit: Wrong record... apparently they had two sons named Antonino... question still stands, where do I find the records of death for the hospital, outside of the indices?

WikiTree profile: Antonio Gottuso
in Genealogy Help by G. Borrero G2G6 Pilot (128k points)
retagged by G. Borrero

For whoever may need it:


Ospedale was the most important hospital in Palermo from 1432 to 1853. It was builded on 1330 by Matteo Sclafani, a duke, for himself. when he died "Sclafani Palace" was abandoned and only in 1432 was transformed in an hospital. After 1853 "scalfani Palace" was tranformed in a barrack. It is in the same square of "Palazzo Reale" . the area close the "Sclafani Palace" was named Ospedale but the courthouse (mandamento) is "Palazzo Reale" or "Santa Cristina".

2 Answers

+2 votes

That's a puzzler. I think the first step is to figure out what sezione of the city the Ospedale Civico is located in. Best bet is one of the four main central sections:

  • Sant' Agata
  • Santa Christina
  • Santa Ninfa
  • Sant' Olivia
Then the question is whether the ospedale deaths would be listed in the regular atti di morte or with the atti diversi. Based on the record number for the death record in this case (#345) my guess would be that it's with the regular atti di morte.
Good luck!
by Frank Santoro G2G6 Mach 5 (59.9k points)
0 votes
Hi. There are two kinds of documents:  death certificates (atti de morte) and death supplement records. This last one is like a case file where you could find details upon the case.
by Mario Zama Escalante G2G6 Mach 1 (14.8k points)

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