Bootlegging in New Hampshire

+4 votes
Rumor has it that several people in the family may have been involved in bootlegging during prohibition, carrying alcohol from Canada through New Hampshire. I wondered if any books or articles have been published on this or if there are any other verifiable sources about this.
in Genealogy Help by J Briller G2G6 Mach 1 (13.3k points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (919k points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
Have you used any of these books? Do some have better research than others?
+1 vote
While I personally don't know of any books or articles, I have been told by one of my uncles that my grandfather used to run alcohol from Canada to New York when he (my grandfather) was only a child! I can believe it though because my mother told me how grandpa used to sneak cheese across the NH boarder when she was a kid and they'd go to visit family. Apparently, according to a cousin in Canada, Grandpa's whole family was involved with some less than reputable dealings. So your rumors may very well be more fact than fiction!
by Samantha Dear G2G1 (1.3k points)
Yes it was pretty common. I had heard that my ex-grandfather in law ran across the frozen St Lawrence River between Canada and New York.

We also had an older friend who had run a bar in upstate New York for years; I believe he started his first bar in New York during Prohibition.

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