Still awaiting multiple surname support feature

+6 votes

The image shows a section of a passport issued to a person who lived in Latvia in 1920's. Highlighted areas show spelling variations of the same surname. The person uses a fourth spelling variation in the same passport for his signature. There are also additional documents from his years living in Denmark and Russian Empire where there are a couple more spelling variations in pre-reform Russian, modern Russian, and Danish languages.

This is an example for just one person. I once again kindly request WikiTree to expand functionality to permit distinct recording and showing of all these legally valid name spelling variations in a way that will enable searching for this person from the home page using any single spelling variant. Without limitations for languages used or a number of spelling variations.
surname spelling variants

in WikiTree Tech by Patrick Munits G2G6 Mach 1 (12.6k points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Patrick, this functionalready exists through both the Current Last Name and Other Last Name Fields.
by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (956k points)

Jilliane Smith this functionality does not work. Here are the steps to confirm that it doesn't work and never worked since the time I joined WikiTree.

  1. Open WikiTree home page and type Schevzovitsch into the Last Name field to do a search. You will get zero matches.
  2. Open profile for
  3. Note that surname Schevzovitsch is listed among the values in the "Other Last Name(s)" field.

I have heard about the option to create surname aliases in WikiTree. It's a workaround suitable in some situations but is a completely unacceptable option in many cases. For example, surname Twain should not be synonym of Clemens.

When it comes to royalties WikiTree is nowhere close where it should be with the support of different names and titles.

Sorry.  I thought this had been fixed a long time ago.

It's a shame that WikiTree search does not look in the Other Last Names field.

Wikitree+ can do it: - I think you have to klick the "get profiles" button.

If you search for Arons Schevzovitsch the profile will come up.

The confusion here is the surname index page. When you just enter a surname, it doesn't do a search, it jumps you to the surname index page (a more efficient way to call up everyone with a surname). We don't do surname index pages for strings in the Other Last Names field.

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