Connected mystery man who died in WWI to my family

+7 votes
My family had several photo albums, with photos often (but not always) labelled. There are a fair number of people that are friends or distant relations, and every now and then I figure out who they are. Today, I made the connection to Roger Ackerley. The photo said "Roger Ackerley, killed in action May 1st 1915, Great European War 1914-1918, aged 19 years & 10 months, 10th Scottish B.K.L.R." and I have been curious about him ever since I found the picture a few years ago. Today I learned he is the brother of the the sister-in-law of my great grandmother.

I still don't know his parents names, but I am happy to know a bit more about him.

And if anyone else like Scottish, English, and New Jersey mystery people, here are a bunch more poorly identified people.
WikiTree profile: Roger Ackerley
in The Tree House by W Robertson G2G6 Pilot (132k points)

WR, do you know what 10th Scottish B.K.L.R is? I'm assuming the "R" is for "Regiment."

No, I don't know.
Thank you!

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
He was actually in the 10th battalion the Kings (Liverpool Regiment) and his parents were Henry Prescott Ackerley and his wife Elizabeth who were from Liverpool see,-roger/ for details.
by Sheena Tait G2G6 Pilot (133k points)
selected by W Robertson
+7 votes
That is wonderful!!!  What a great Father's Day Gift.
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (901k points)
+2 votes

Son of Henry Prescott Ackerley and Elizabeth Ackerley, of Liverpool. [,-roger/]

by C. Mackinnon G2G6 Pilot (353k points)

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