Twins or one person? Thomas/Janet Wardlaw b3 Mar 1777, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland

+2 votes
The original OPRs appear to suggest two distinct children, Janet and Thomas born to James Wardlaw and Margaret McKraich or McCraich in Dunfermline, born 3rd Mar 1777, baptised 6th Mar 1777.

Seems unlikely that there are actually two sets of parents with same/similar names that would have a child with exactly the same birth/baptism dates. Both Wardlaw and McCraich/McKraich are pretty rare surnames.

Problem 1, original image and index for birth/baptism record for Thomas declares the child a daughter, i.e. female. (Church of Scotland).

Problem 2, birth/baptism record for Janet is at a different church, Dunfermline Associate ("Other Churches" in OPR).

So, why would twins be baptised at different churches on the same day?

If this is in actuality one person, why baptise twice? I've never come across this happening in over 30 years of research.

The only explanation I could guess at, is the parents worshiped at different churches/denominations.

Could this be the same person and somehow one church got the name radically wrong?

Suggestions on how to record at WikiTree are welcome. Enter as one person, i.e. most likely Janet and put notes? Or add as two people and document on both? Personally I'd favour the second, but fairly new to WikiTree and not completely familiar with some of the conventions yet. Currently shown as distinct individuals at Familysearch, Janet (LJRD-J4L ​ ), Thomas (LJRD-JKQ).
in Genealogy Help by Chris Macneill G2G4 (4.9k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Often marriages were reported at 2 different Parish"s ,because husband and

wife were from different Parish?s.Possibly that is why children are.

The other problem.Often many people with same names in the same area.I

once found 5 people with same names born abt 1750 in same Parish.You may see this,often they are cousins in same family line.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Generally when there are duplicate records the ceremonies performed in different parishes are some significant distance apart, not two churches of different denominations in the same town. Also I've only ever seen duplicate Banns/Marriage records.
0 votes
I have seen many births and marriages where parishes,are next too other

parish.When i do work any place i print out parish maps for that area.I have

been a geneologist working in England,Wales,Ireland,Scotland for many years.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

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