It seems that you desire more proscription whereas I desire less. In the biography section, I include a timeline (generously provided for me by Wikitree X), occupations gleaned from census and other records, research notes to explain discrepancies in what I find, and *sometimes* even a biography. The problem is, about all you can say about many women during many periods of time in history is that this person was born to so and so, married so and so, and was a mother to so and so. Women's lives were narrowly defined, so unless I find a newspaper article or a biography with more details somewhere, that's about the best I can do.
If, by chance, someone was notable, like a few of the profiles I've created for Nobel prize winners and famous innovators (not usually flavor of the month celebrities), I seek biographical information outside of Wikipedia. I might cite Wikipedia, I might look at the sources listed there and, if I use content from them, cite them. But for notables, where information outside of basic records exists, I use what I can find. However, none of my notables profiles are in any way "finished." It takes a long time to do an adequate job.
I think it's fine for each of us to have our own definition of what belongs in the Biography section. It's even fine to include what Wikitree suggests. It's fine to have a discussion. But I doubt that I'll change the way I'm using that section even if the name changes to something else--which surely it would be too involved to do, for very little benefit.