How do we Confirm DNA Matches beyond 3rd Cousins?

+2 votes
If we can only Confirm DNA Matches up to 3rd Cousins, How are we supposed to Confirm Ancestors Farther back? Can Someone PLEASE Explainn this to me? I have found several 6th, 7th and 8th Cousins here on Wikki Tree. Since they go beyond 3rd Cousins, does that mean we really aren't Connected to them or More Distant Ancestors? I am Seriously Confused by all of this. Also, How can my DNA be Confirmed with Maternal Ancestors and not Paternal? Just because someone isn't on Wikkitree, it shouldn't discount KNOWN Ancestors.
in Genealogy Help by Crystal Tyrrell G2G6 Mach 1 (10.4k points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
For DNA matches more distant than 3rd cousins, you need to use triangulation. Here's the wiki page on it, which explains it in more detail:

Your DNA can be confirmed with both maternal and paternal ancestors, you just can't take a Y-chromosome test because you're female, so you don't have a Y-chromosome. If you have a brother, father, or paternal uncle who has tested, and you have confirmed your relationship with them through autosomal testing, you get all the benefits of paternal line confirmations obtained with their DNA.
by John Trotter G2G6 Mach 4 (44.2k points)
Thank You for Your Response, John. My problem on my Paternal side is, although my Brother has taken a DNA Test through he is not willing to Share his test or create a gedmatch profile. All of my Paternal Ancestors have Passed Away so there is no immediate Family to take the DNA test.  As far as the Triangulation goes, I have no idea how to do that. I will look at the page but I've a feeling it will still leave me rather confused.

 I do Appreciate your Assistance though.
One option is for you to take an ancestry test as well - your brother should show up at the top of your match list, which is sufficient to confirm the relationship with him on wikitree (provided you document it appropriately). However, in order to take advantage of any Y-Chromosome confirmation, he would have to do a Y-DNA test first; those are fairly expensive, and Ancestry doesn't offer them. However, they aren't nearly as useful for more recent history, so I wouldn't be too bothered by that. As far as Triangulation: yes, it's a bit confusing - it's also harder to make work since you need three testers rather than two.
I am working on coming up the money to do the Ancestry DNA Test and to renew my account with them. I do know he showed as a match for my Cousin, Emma. However, that relationship is through my Maternal side. MyHeritage has over 5,580 matches I am trying to sort through and gedmatch is both confusing and a bit overwhelming for me.
Ancestry does not have the most features, but the interface is much easier to use than some other sites. It also has the most other testers so it is probably worth testing there for that reason alone - you will probably get more close matches there than anywhere else.

EDIT: FYI, you can take a test with ancestry without paying for the subscription. You will still be able to see the match list, just not their trees.
+6 votes

DNA confirmation is just that -- its confirmation of what you already believe to be true (because you've researched the "paper trail").

But with autosomal DNA tests (the most common), the further back in the tree you go, the more diluted your inherited DNA from any one ancestor becomes, so it becomes nearly impossible to confirm that "matching" cousins descend from the same ancestor. That's why you need two or more "matching" cousins (triangulation with yourself and at least two others). 

But the hardest part about triangulation, is making sure you each match on the same segments of the same chromosomes (otherwise, you could all "match" each other, but on different segments, meaning just by random chance, or that you each match through differing ancestors, not the same ancestor)

by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (595k points)
Thank You, Dennis. That's why it is so confusing to me.

 I actually have Wheelers as Distant Ancestors . They were rather prominent in Early Connecticut History, as were my Couch Ancestors. My " Paper Trail goes back over 600 years so it is quite extensive and History I am quite Proud of.

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